The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1654: Has the last star ever experimented?

If the speculation of the end star is true, then there is no experimental data in the database of Guru and the end star, and this matter will not make sense.

Without experimental data and detailed procedures, it is impossible to conduct experiments.

However, this spiritual imprint sounded somewhat similar to her situation.

If the spiritual imprint is controllable, then the only possibility is that the last star controls her spiritual imprint and transmits it to others.

This is why she was born again.

"Then can you now see the spiritual imprint of the earth human beings."

Guru: "No, we can't see it even if it is there, it can only be detected by professional instruments."

There are two reasons now. Humans in the two eras are different. People on earth may not have spiritual imprints. If Junci now has them, it means that the speculation of the last star is true.

The second one is that all humans have it, so it should exist like a soul.

The key is that now they don't have relevant professional equipment, even if they want to see it, they can't tell.

Jun Ci quickly thought about the past.

Then he speculated: "End Star, if what you said is true, what characteristics does this experiment have?"

Guru: "I can say this. According to the experimental records, one is that the energy consumed is huge, and the other is that once the spiritual imprint is transplanted to others, many unexpected situations will occur. Having a double imprint will make people crazy. Without the spiritual imprint, the original person will become a state similar to a vegetative person. Only the body is still alive programmed, but it will never wake up."

Junci: "Does the double imprint resemble double personality?"

Last Star: "It's not the same. It can be seen as a dual personality exists in one body, but in fact their thoughts are separated. The double imprint is directly the fusion of two people, memories, emotions, habits, everything. There will be conflicts. According to the results in the story, none of the people with double imprints are normal. They are all crazy, regardless of whether one of the imprints is strong enough. This is the main reason why the experiment violates the interstellar human rights and is banned. "

Junci frowned: "If this is the case, if I merge with the original Junci, I'm still normal. Doesn't it mean that she is dead and the spiritual imprint is gone, so I can fully blend in?"

Last Star: "In theory, this is the case, but there is no similar record."

Gulu also said: "His Royal Highness, Gulu just read a lot of information, and got a little bit. The mental imprint experiment doesn't even know what kind of result the researchers want after success, so theoretically it is an uncontrollable experiment. But considering your Highness's situation, Guru also tends to do this experiment by the end star."

If it is explained purely from a non-scientific perspective, Junci is reborn.

Then the five-hundred-year process does not make sense.

Why is it five hundred years?

Except for these five hundred years, the end star has been conducting this experiment.

It was not until the end that it was determined to succeed. It sent out the spiritual mark of Junci and found a suitable carrier. As a result, due to energy consumption, it closed itself and could only wait to die.

If the sentence it said, ‘I tried my best’, does it actually refer to this matter?

Sending out her spiritual imprint, because she is not sure what the consequences will be, so she left that sentence.

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