The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 166: The surname is Jun, the producer has come to visit the class! (Seeking a recommendatio

"What I want is this effect."

Jun Ci nodded and said: "The most important thing in the play is the two of them. I won't say much about other things. You can discuss it first."

These words made the three of them all startled. Geng Shunkun remembered it first, and asked the most courageous: "Is the director going out now?"

"Well, this is the first time I come to Yangcheng, I will go shopping."

Confidently, of course.

Three people: "..."

Without daring to stop, Geng Shunkun said directly: "Okay, director, go out first if you have something to do, and I'll talk to the two leading actors. If you have something to do, you can contact my assistant Xiaohe, because she doesn't have much workload to come here anyway.

To change to another director, Geng Shunkun would definitely not say such a word.

Jun Ci gave an "en" and then went out first.

Someone was in charge of the hotel, and it was not a group of children. The Eagle Company also sent a commander.

They know how to arrange.

Junci really intends to go shopping, there will be no time after the official start-up tomorrow.

The earth is actually quite fresh to Junci, after all, in the interstellar age for so many years, some things have always been bored.

At this moment, every time he went to a city, Junci felt very novel.

In particular, the ancient culture that had never existed in the interstellar era before gave Junci an indescribable feeling of comfort.

On the street, modern buildings and ancient buildings coexist, and the roof tiles and high-rise buildings are opposed to each other.

Neither conflict, but relatively harmonious.

The Jun porcelain at the stall smells quite fragrant, but after all there are many bacteria, Gulu does not recommend Jun porcelain to eat.

Jun Ci can only watch.

In summer, there are not many people wandering in the street, and it is a bit stuffy.

Junci was just about to go into a shopping mall to buy something.

Suddenly there was a contemptuous laughter from the side: "Wear a mask on a hot day, is there something wrong with your brain?"

The voice was not soft, as if it was deliberately wanted to be heard by Jun Ci.

Jun Ci immediately turned his head and looked around, and saw five young people sitting in front of a snack bar next to the mall.

They all seem to be hanging out, and they are not badly dressed.

The one who was talking was looking at Jun Ci with arrogant expression.

I didn't feel embarrassed either.

However, as soon as Jun Ci's cold eyes looked over, the atmosphere suddenly changed.

In the hot weather, Junci stood there quietly.

The exposed eyebrows originally showed the beauty of the years of Jingan, but at this time, the pupils were full of strong sneers.

If they can see the corners of her mouth under the mask of Junci, they can see that the arc of her mouth is particularly obvious.

It was this kind of smile, but Da Xia Tian also revealed an icy breath, making the five young people look stiff.

The arrogant young man who had spoken earlier became stiff, he patted the table and wanted to stand up. The young man next door immediately pressed his shoulder and said in a low voice, "Stop getting into trouble. It's a bit like a stubble."

At this time, fools can see that Junci is definitely not easy to mess with.

The young man "spit": "I said he had a problem with wearing a mask in summer. Am I wrong?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jun Ci's brows and eyes finally filled with evil spirits.

With a long leg, he was actually approaching the person directly.

The five people suddenly felt a great pressure coming and swallowed their saliva.

However, at this time, in Jun Ci's mind, a grunting and cheerful voice sounded: "Oh, my lord, I was too fascinated to check the information for you to report. The **** is online -"

Junci paused. At this moment, at the corner of the street in front of the mall, an arrogant white convertible supercar appeared and drifted directly.

Shocking debut in the atmosphere of girls screaming and boys screaming!


The piercing brakes stopped in front of Junci, and Jiang Yi stopped the car wearing sunglasses. His height and appearance no less than a world-class model aroused the crazy screams of the surrounding girls and overwhelmed everyone here.

At this time, he lifted his chin and said with a little arrogance: "The surname is Jun, the producer has come to visit the class!"


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