The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1680: opportunity

People who are as famous as the emperor, these little dragon suits, and even the little characters who have never shown their faces, have no chance to be recognized by the emperor!

Is it recommended by someone?

Don't be stupid. Those who have the opportunity to recommend them are definitely not in contact with the emperor's level.

This opportunity was replaced by someone else being stunned casually, but Laura was relatively witty, and she immediately wondered how Junci found herself.

After all, this looks incredible.

Jun Ci waved his hand and drew a finger in the air, smiling mysteriously and elegantly: "Laura, your other identity, I believe the FBI will definitely be interested."

Laura's eyes changed.

She has been in the circle for a long time. To be correct, she has not done anything illegal since the Pentagon incident.

She has always kept herself safe, and she also wants to spend the rest of her life peacefully.

She knew that several hackers in the Mythical League were not inferior to her, all belonged to the government. If she committed another crime, she might not be caught, so she didn't want to take any risks.

Now suddenly hearing such a sentence from the emperor's mouth, Laura instantly understood what it meant.

She walked over and pushed the stunned Bessie out of the door: "I'm sorry Bessie, I have something to discuss with her separately, can you go out first?"


Before Bess recovered, she was pushed outside by Laura, and then Laura closed the door.

She turned to look at Junci again, her eyes full of alert: "I don't know why you came to me, but I have to explain that I have already stopped washing my hands, even if you came to me to do something for you. , Or hand me over to the US government..."

"you think too much."

The boy tilted his head and his voice was playful: "I can easily find out your identity. Do you think I still need you?"

Laura was startled.

Then she became a little embarrassed and stood up straight: "I still don't understand what you mean."

"It's just acting. My new film lacks a heroine. Would you like it or not, just that." She pointed to Laura's phone beside her bed: "Look at your phone, I have sent you the script On your mobile phone, if you have no comments, come to the address in the text message tomorrow, and I will arrange everything for you. You also want to hang out in Hollywood. It's impossible to be unknown forever?"

The boy raised his eyebrows and said these words, turned around and left.

Laura was left to react and immediately went to look at her cell phone.

The above is indeed a strange text message.

Click to open the file of the script.

Bessie opened the door and came in: "My God, Laura, tell me, was that the emperor just now? Was it the emperor? Oh my God!! How could she come to you, she is now a famous Hollywood director, I I never dreamt of seeing her one day!"

Her tone was full of incredible and exclamation, but Laura's attention was all on the script.


Laura closed her phone, her eyes narrowed slightly, and then she rolled over and got out of bed: "Bessie, accompany me to the store, maybe our chance is here."

When she was collecting things, she looked downstairs and saw a sports car parked on the side of the street. When she stretched her neck to look, the sports car just drove away arrogantly.

A person in the car seat, with his back to her, seemed to gesture towards her.

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