"Kenneth Hannah was driven?"

"My goodness, the boss knows about noon?"

"No, could it be that Annie told the secret?"

"Isn't Eddie his relative? Kenneth fired so easily?"

"Look, Carrie's face is really wonderful..."

When Kenneth was packing his things, others would see it naturally, and when he left the Siloley Building dejectedly, the news spread.

All departments know that Kenneth, the financial manager, has been opened, but all the executives on the eighth floor are still in meetings.

They didn't know whether it was Leo from the headquarters or Eddie who gave the expulsion order.

However, just saying that inside the restaurant and not facing the outside world. Is there such a serious consequence?

The delicate-looking Carrie sat there, her face pale in anger.

She didn't expect Kenneth to be fired. The person she tried so hard to hook up turned out to be useless.

At this time, there was news that the meeting on the eighth floor was over, and now the top management is coming down collectively.

Eddie, who returned to his office, couldn't tell whether he was happy or angry. He just quickly issued a series of instructions for the company to follow, and only then did news from other departments that Silori's boss came in person.

It was the first time the boss appeared during the establishment of the branch, and Kenneth was fired as a result, which was simply a thunderous method.

But later, even more shocking news came out that Silori’s boss was the Chinese leader and the emperor who is now famous in Hollywood!


This is simply a blockbuster, no one can believe that such a dream happened inside Silori.

She became a director, and her life experience was originally a legend. Didn't she expect to have such an amazing identity now?

This group that has emerged in the past two years actually belongs to that director?

This is nothing short of a legend. The newspapers are all heavy headlines for a month. Such outstanding legends are the favorites of the heavyweight interview column.

If the news spreads, it will definitely shake the United States again.

Many people were excited to explode this news, but they were shocked to find that no matter how the message was sent, the remarks about this news would be automatically eliminated.

This makes many people puzzled, and don't know why.

After Jun Ci finished the meeting, of course he left Silori directly.

The inspection has been inspected, and the scum has been dealt with. Now it is time to go to my own business.

Of course, my business is filming.

She returned to the luxury apartment she bought near Hollywood. Claire also lived here for the past two days. When she came back, Claire received the news and went straight to the door.

Claire looked very sorry because of what happened on the Internet: "The emperor, I'm really sorry, it was my brother's fault. I will apologize to you on his behalf."

"There is no need to apologize, nor did he say anything wrong."

Jun Ci came back here just now, sat on the sofa for a short rest, and Claire came home.

The more Junci said this, the more guilty Claire felt. She didn't know whether Junci really didn't care.

Jun Ci had a headache seeing Claire like this and rubbed his temples: "Have you eaten, or go out for dinner?"

Claire asked, then nodded in agreement: "Okay."

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