The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1698: on purpose?

Jun Ci frowned slightly at the audition.

"Interstellar Glory" is a novel written by myself. Every storyline involves more or less the original story in the interstellar.

There are some characters in the story, and she even constructed them based on the people around them. As long as these actors have a slight temperament, she can immediately feel it.

Therefore, some actors who were good in the eyes of other casting directors only acted for less than a few seconds before Jun Ci shook his head and called to stop.

This made the audition director almost feel that the emperor came to smash the scene, she was not satisfied with the European and American actors at all.

She didn't expect to find someone who was exactly the same as the original person, but there hasn't been a person who can act out the feeling she wants.

Looking at the list, the team of 700 or 800 people has now interviewed more than 20.

With such a huge cast of actors, even if the heroine is scheduled internally, Jun Ci estimates that Europe and the United States will definitely not be able to find people, and she will definitely have to screen again in China.

And she will announce the final list only after actors from both countries have participated in the audition.

It was another one who was slapped out within a few seconds. Jun Ci turned the corner of his lips with the pen, and the casting director sent by the Bailai School cast a few glances at Jun Ci.

To speak of opinions, they are only the guide for the film’s casting, and the real decision-making power rests with the emperor.

If the emperor doesn't shout through, how dare they shout.

Boris has said that this juvenile is dictatorial and autocratic, and less provoking.

No, I heard she is a woman?

Everyone felt that even the gossip about this director was more exciting than any star outside.

When Claire came in, Jun Ci just raised her eyebrows and glanced at her slightly.

Claire was extremely quiet. Although she came in and attracted the attention of these directors, she did not say a word, and sat quietly behind Jun Ci.

When she came, she told Jun Ci that she was here to learn some deductive experience.

Although Jun Ci told her that she didn't need any acting skills for her role, just acting in her true colors.

The casting director glanced at the two in surprise.

The characters are passing one by one, until Marlene Lonsdale, for the queen she is going to play, she has to say that she did give Junci a surprise, which is a rare start.

The queen she played is exactly what Junci remembered. This queen also has a realistic version in her own star.

Although the appearance is different, Ma Lin's pure lines and superb acting skills will not make people feel any disobedience.

For others, they would think that Ma Lin might be the queen herself, a very wonderful performance.

Jun Ci finally nodded in satisfaction, but she only asked Ma Lin to go back and wait for the news.

The casting directors are a little bit sweaty. With Marlene's position, they actually have to go home and wait for news.

But Ma Lin didn't have any opinion. Before leaving, she smiled and gracefully bowed a lady's gift to Jun Ci.

Claire didn't understand anything, but could also feel the explosion of Marlene's superb acting skills just now, so she said, "She did a good job."

Jun Ci nodded: "Everyone here can see it, you don't need to elaborate."

Claire: "..."

I always feel that this niece is deliberately reaching her.

The others were a little surprised. Claire was not even angry at all in the emperor's tone. With her temper in the media, it was estimated that she had already thrown a stab at him.

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