The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 180: Strict Junci

Jun Ci was filming in An Ansheng in Yangcheng.

At present, her novels and videos are in full swing, but because she herself is low-key enough, so far, books and videos have become popular no matter how others discuss her.

I didn't see her coming out.

Longfu University also knew that Junci was in Yangcheng, but they really didn't know about Junci filming.

Of course, it is even more impossible to know that, in their eyes, this student who should have a great future has entered the physics department, a popular subject of their school, but has the ambition to be a director...

Otherwise, even if it is Longfu, they will definitely persuade them with all their heart. It's hard to get a super champion in a century. How can you be a director?

How can the director be great for contributing to mankind!

It is also because they don't know that Junci is very leisurely now.

However, it won't be long before this matter is concealed, the Dragon Mansion is bound to be very concerned about her, checking information is the most basic.

Although she asked Gulu to conceal information about her activities on the Internet, the real names used to sign those contracts should still be found by Long Mansion by then.

It's just that these are not enough to make Junci care.

Brother Gou sent news to Junci again. After thinking about it, Jinshan Cultural Publishing House was still reluctant to let go of such a big fish, and was willing to accept Junci's terms.

Not only does Junci find it incredible, if you look at it based on market prices.

Gulu thinks that Jinshan culture is probably a brainstorm.

There is always balance in a market, and Gulu sees prices in these areas very clearly.

The price of Jinshan Culture is undoubtedly equivalent to a premium.

If it reaches the industry, I don’t know how many people will laugh at it.

Junci will raise such a high price because she doesn't care about the current publishing issues at all, and she sets the price completely in accordance with the storm that will occur in the future.

In other words, she can foresee the hotness in the future, but Jinshan Culture has no such basis.

So agreeing seems very shocking.

However, since they want to sign, Junci will naturally not refuse this kind of good deed.

She told Brother Gou that she was in Yangcheng, and if Jinshan Culture didn't mind waiting for her to finish filming and return to the Imperial Capital before signing.

However, the people of Jinshan Culture seemed a little anxious. Hearing that Junci was in Yangcheng, they indicated that they would send a signing representative to sign with Junci.

I probably knew that Junci was making a movie, so I wanted to come and see the situation.

Junci agreed.

Almost half a month has passed, and according to Junci's process, a quarter of the script adapted by the Miaojiang witch doctor in her hand has been shot.

If people comment on this crew, apart from the acting skills of the actors, there are probably only two words that can describe the crew: simple!

Yes, it is simple.

Although Junci takes care of food, housing and transportation very well, she is not particularly perfect in filming props.

She will always have that sentence, special effects...

So how rich the director is, he uses special effects for everything!

But I have to say that if you are concerned with acting skills, Jun Ci is definitely the most responsible director.

Nowadays, many of them are even first-line big productions, because there are very few popular actors with acting skills, and the crew is afraid to let these big-name stars perform well.

And the less expensive the crew, the more cope with their acting.

Some can even act with just a web face.

But Junci is different. Although her lineup is like a third-rate online drama lineup.

But Junci's expression requirements for acting skills are so simple that they are heinous.

Sometimes a shot, even if it is two leading actors, does not even point the finger in the right direction, and Junci will ask for a reshoot.

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