The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1818: But it seems that my daughter is more handsome!

"Well, my parents and I didn't come to pick you up, what are you doing?"

Jiang Yi vaguely said: "It's just investigating what happened to Jun Ye..."

"No need to investigate."

Jun Ci sighed lightly: "I have already handled it. Uncle Sheng Lian and the others will do it by then, but I just heard you say you want to break his leg?"

Jiang Yi: "..."

Don't say anything.

"Jiang Yi, I advise you not to do this. Let people know that you are not doing well. In name, he is your uncle."

Jiang Yi suddenly sneered: "Why is he worthy of being my uncle? And he just broke his leg. He still wants your life. I'm kind enough!"

"It's not a question of kindness or not. You have no good end, but you will be criticized if you take action. Do you understand? You did it. After all, that person is your uncle. He bought to murder me. We have no evidence. It’s so easy to say, now it has proved at best that Ying Lei is going to kill me."

Jun Yeqi has nothing to do without admitting it.

If Jiang Yi really makes a move, others will call him vicious.

The key is that Jun Ye will start and end as pale as this, and there is no need to let Jiang Yi drip some muddy water.

If Jiang Yi did this, the Jun family would also have opinions, mainly because of the game between the two families, which is not a good thing.

If Jun Ci wants the Jiang family to be fair, she must have sufficient evidence to prove that Jun Yeqi wanted to kill her.

But now that there is no need for evidence, Jun Ci can make Jun Ye start and end a hundred times worse than this, and he does not need to rely on Jiang's action.

Jiang Yi was not very happy when he heard that, but after thinking about it, he still listened to Junci, and then smiled: "If you say so, then I won't do it. Let's go to dinner. Did parents come here?"

Jun Ci nodded and stretched out a hand. Jiang Yi immediately reached out to hold Jun Ci's hand, and the two of them clasped their fingers and went downstairs.

When they arrived in the Jiang's living room, everyone saw the two young men appear holding hands, glanced at each other and then smiled.

Lydia looked at Jiang Yi's direction several times, as if looking carefully.

She had actually met several times, after all, she had also been to Jiang's house.

Now I see that this man is my son-in-law, and I feel completely different.

Looking at it, Lydia whispered at Jun Chengbai as if a little unhappy: "I haven't seen China act like a baby to us yet."

The good daughters of other people's families are not the treasures of parents, how good is it to be coquettish?

Jun Ci has never been spoiled!

What if she acts like a baby to Jiang Yi?

Lydia tasted even thinking about that scene.

With a sweat, Jun Chengbai understood what she meant, as she promised: "Don't worry, Junci will not act like a baby. I think your son-in-law likes to act like a baby at your daughter."

After talking for a while, Jiang Yi's character Jun Chengbai probably has some grasp.

Lydia didn't know what she thought of when she heard the words, she was a bit disgusted.

Entering the room, Jiang Yi said to Lydia and Jun Chengbai with a smile on his face: "Mum and Dad, how are you."

He naturally changed his words and spoke Chinese, and Lydia understood it too. Although he had whispered a few words earlier, he nodded in response to Jiang Yi's greeting.

Lydia also politely praised: "You are so handsome!"

Jiang Yi immediately exulted, "Mom, you are also very beautiful!"

He called it a natural, and before he finished laughing, he heard Lydia say again: "But it seems that my daughter is more handsome."

Jiang Yi: "..."

? ? ?

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