The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 182: Chief Editor of Jinshan Culture

Di Huimin wiped the corners of her eyes and said happily, "Otherwise, Brother Zhisheng, sister Lan Yi and I are both actresses. Actresses rely on consciousness to maintain their shape. I am still growing. If I eat the wrong way, I will get fat. It’s more serious, and I’m still the kind of system that makes me fat by drinking."

Luo Lanyi smiled slightly beside him.

Fu Zhisheng heard that his teeth were sore: "I often exercise, but it's okay. In fact, some of the meals that the director ordered the hotel to prepare are nutrition-based. No matter how you maintain your body, you can't incorporate health. Just a reasonable diet plus your own fitness. Exercise, it’s not that easy to get fat. Ken insists on saying anything."

Hearing what he said, Di Huimin seemed to have some comfort, and mumbled: "Then I will beat two spare ribs."

Speaking of picking up the bowl, ran to the purchasing team.

Because every day, people from the purchasing team go to pick up the hotel's meals.

Seeing her like this, Luo Lan laughed and said: "What a kid."

Fu Zhisheng looked at Luo Lanyi, with a little deep meaning in his moon-like eyes: "Really? You are not a child? To me, you are all young girls, unlike me, who have been struggling in this business for so many years. I’m still doing nothing."

In the tone, there is a rare loss.

Luo Lan was startled.

Fu Zhisheng is indeed not young anymore, he is already thirty-one years old.

I've been in this business for nearly ten years, and it still looks like this.

I didn't see him mention these things when he was filming. Suddenly hearing him say this today, Luo Lanyi inevitably felt a sense of pity for the same illness.

Isn't it because she was suppressed so badly that it was difficult to get ahead.

After graduation, I didn't even have an appointment.

It was lucky enough to be able to meet director Junci.

As she said, she smiled softly at Fu Zhi's temperature, like a bright moon, full of moving brilliance that people can't move their eyes.

"It's okay. This movie may be your chance. I think the director is not just playing this movie like others said. He is serious and I can feel it."

Luo Lanyi trusts Junci very much, and she can't tell the feeling of being unclear even if she trusts too much.

"I know."

Fu Zhisheng also smiled gently at Luo Lanyi: "I can feel it too."

Therefore, he already has a certain premonition, perhaps, his turning point is in this drama.

"Brother Zhisheng, Sister Lan Yi."

A younger member of the crew ran over and hurriedly said, "Have you seen the director? Someone came to the director and said that he had a job talk with him."

Luo Lanyi just wanted to say that she didn't see the director during the meal. Fu Zhisheng pointed to the props group: "I just saw the director go there...ah, it's coming out!"

As soon as Fu Zhisheng's voice fell, Jun Ci really walked out of the temporary prop group greenhouse.

Such a simple place can't block the young boy's scorching brilliance, as if she is shining like the most dazzling star everywhere.

Obviously, Junci also walked directly in the direction where the staff came.

From there came a woman in a red tulle dress.

With exquisite makeup, the whole person exudes a queen-like aura that has been killed from urban white-collar workers.

It's really like the devil in the "Queen Wearing Prada" business card.

Luo Lanyi was a little curious: "This is?"

Fu Zhisheng shook his head: "I don't know."

At this time, Jun Ci had passed and shook hands with this woman.

They were surprised to find that such a strong and imposing woman, in front of Jun Ci, was also faintly disadvantaged.

The young man's unobtrusive aura suddenly enveloped the woman in red.

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