The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 186: Have not heard

After chatting with Jun Ci, Zhou Jin couldn't understand the young man's thoughts.

Reported to my boss and got the contract by the way.

Jun Ci called a crew car to take Zhou Jin to the street.

Before leaving, he said: "You can wait for me at the Sirui Hotel. Our crew lives in this hotel. Now the sun is so big, you can blow the air-conditioning in the hotel and wait for me. I'll go back later."

After Jun Ci finished speaking, he waved his hand at Zhou Jin who was stunned for a while.

Zhou Jin reacted and immediately raised a bright smile.

This young man couldn't tell that he was quite considerate, and Zhou Jin actually felt warm in his heart.

Then he waved his hand and said, "Okay, then I'm waiting for the director at the hotel."

Zhou Jin changed her name, feeling that she could barely match her young age.

When Zhou Jin got in the car and left, Di Huimin ran over: "Director, were you talking about the emperor just now?"

Di Huimin was just a young girl, and her face was flushed with the sun.

The whole body was full of youthful vigor, and although there were little stars in Junci's eyes, it was not objectionable.

Like a lively and sunny little sister next door.

That is to say, such a girl can actually perform Zhi Ling's unkind calmness, which made Junci quite surprised when she auditioned for her.

If Luo Lanyi relied on several years of hard work, this girl is purely talented.

Because although she applied for the art school, she has never had a formal performance.

Just learned some related courses.

She was a little squeamish, and she burst into tears after being told by Jun Ci this morning, but the little girl did not hold any grudges.

At this time, I saw the topic about my idol and it came up.

Although Junci has a prosperous and beautiful face, its deterrent power is equally great. People in the crew don't dare to harass Junci. Only Di Huimin is bolder.

At this moment, listening to her asking, Jun Ci raised an eyebrow slightly: "Oh, what do you hear we are talking about?"

"No, it’s Sister Lan Yi who said what emperor you are discussing. I want to ask if it’s the emperor on the Internet, the director? Recently, a very popular UP master called the emperor appeared on the Internet. On the website..."

Di Huimin Barabara just said something, and never thought that if anyone didn't know.

She said that this Chase was simply playing the piano against the cow.

But Junci naturally understands.

She patiently listened to Di Huimin's words, and then smiled directly: "I haven't heard of it."

The three words made Di Huimin stay in place.

After teasing the little girl, she was very happy, and Jun Ci smiled and walked to the prop room.

Di Huimin suddenly twisted her body a little embarrassingly, and when she walked over, she said to Luo Lan, "The director is playing tricks on me! After I said it for a long time, he threw three words to me, I don't know!!!"

If it wasn't for the director to look good, she would be angry!

Luo Lanyi and Fu Zhisheng looked at each other, then both laughed happily.

In fact, it is also a blessing to be in such a crew. They are all in the same position. Everyone has no scheming. It is so pleasant to get along with each other.

After the filming of the afternoon filming, Junci announced that he would return to the hotel early to rest because he still had something to do.

When Di Huimin and the others were free, they cheered and said they were going to visit the night market in Yangcheng at night.

From the first female to the third female, the male lead and several other supporting roles.

People are not too few.

Naturally, Junci will not follow them.

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