The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1871: The emperor is really a lucky star

Jun Ci is very satisfied with her performance, at least Laura is not only talented but also willing to work hard.

Ye Bai was like everyone else to some extent.

However, Jun Ci chose him naturally for her reasons.

Ye Bai didn't feel embarrassed after listening, he listened to what Jun Ci said.

He knew that this opportunity was not easy to come by, especially this is a play that Junci used to capture the world's big screen.

If he succeeds, he will not only become popular, he is more likely to have a reputation in Hollywood. This opportunity is simply too great.

In fact, he wasn't sure at the beginning to make a way out of so many interviewers. The key is that he succeeded.

If he doesn't work hard, he is really sorry for this opportunity.

After Jun Ci spoke, Laura gave a wry smile. She also understood Jun Ci's meaning, but acting like this, the more she didn't call Ye Bai, the more she had to be alone, so she nodded and left with Ye Bai.

"Do you think Ma Lin is not right?"

Boris walked over and asked Jun Ci quietly. Jun Ci chuckled, "What's wrong?"

"I don't know, I mean she doesn't seem to be good at it, but I know this poor man experienced a bad thing in Las Vegas yesterday, and it has something to do with you?"

Boris spoke in a typical compassionate tone, and he didn't know how much damage Ma Lin had suffered.

He also pulled the narrative onto Jun Ci.

Jun Ci glanced at him: "What on earth do you want to ask?"

Seeing Junci’s direct tone, Boris chuckled: "No, no, no, I just heard a very interesting thing about you. Yesterday it came out from the Las Vegas police that you seemed to help dismantle the bomb. I really can't think of how many surprises you have to surprise people besides directing and starting a company."

"I hope the surprise is not a fright. I was also forced."

Yesterday, because the police directly shot all the cultists, they have not figured out what the main purpose of these people came to the hotel to install the bombs was that they were committing terrorist attacks.

And Ma Lin became the only clue, because this group of people followed her.

And she handed it to the assistant of the police, and yet she is not willing to reveal a word.

"Oh oh oh, I just ask casually, don't you have any opinions."

Boris laughed loudly, and then whispered: "I'm not alarmist, I just said that the United States seems a bit uneasy now. There were several bombings in Las Vegas and New York yesterday. Our country In this way, terrorists like it the most, maybe... I mean I will come to Los Angeles someday. It hasn't been very peaceful lately. Everyone should pay attention."

Boris was here to remind him kindly, but he seemed to attribute all the bombings in New York yesterday to terrorist attacks.

So much the better.

Although they will find out sooner or later that the dead are a cult member called the Silver Mass Organization.

"I see, thank you for your reminder." The boy's eyes were curved, and the gloomy light flashed with deep meaning: "But I have always been lucky, and these things generally don't happen to me."

Guru: "Your Highness, you are real skin."

Boris smiled politely and complimented him very well: "I think so, the emperor is a lucky star."

Guru: "End Star, let's guess how true he is in saying this?"

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