"What the **** is this?"

After Jun Ci listened to the entire song, his face was not even beautiful.

For the first time, she had an emotion called anger.

In the interstellar era, copyright is a very serious thing. No matter what it is, as long as it shows that there are patents and the original logo, if you want to create or adapt, you must obtain the consent of the copyright owner, otherwise you will be directly caught in interstellar prison. .

But here, she knows that copyright in China, including novels, because the law is not strict, infringement is very serious.

Some people even break through the bottom line of life for plagiarism.

Even if he was caught, he would not admit it.

There are also those with a guilty conscience, just pretend to be dead, don't know what to do, and even a little shameless, they will bite back and even incite fans to attack the original creator.

People who do not have the ability to distinguish right from wrong, especially for the plagiarism who have a worship plot and regard him as an idol, are more likely to be incited.

Or many people actually know that the plagiarism is wrong, but because they have liked this person, they are unwilling to admit that there is a problem with their vision. When the problem occurs, they will only become angry with repeated attacks and refuse to admit that their vision has appeared. I fell in love with this person.

Of course, there is still a part that is purely an abnormal brain and likes to go the other way. If you don't support him, you support it.

This situation has been eliminated from the beginning of Junci. Of course, no one dares to copy his interstellar glory, but in other aspects, Junci has been very seldom concerned.

For example, song adaptations.

But this really made her a little angry.

It's not that the adaptation is ugly, but because the person who adapted it didn't even express the most basic meaning of this war song.

The tone of the adaptation is only for the purpose of drawing a good melody, and ignoring the essential meaning of the lyrics.

The music is just monotonous, and it doesn't sound like a majestic war.

Including the lyrics written by her in the second half, it does not correspond to Junci's war music.

Not to mention this is a tort.

Even the name of Zhan Song was wrong.

This song should be a cantata, and only tens of thousands of people can sing together to show that momentum. Junci's original idea was Bel Canto. The tune of this popular song is too stingy in terms of music or singing.

Even the language is wrong.

Only interstellar language is the most perfect way of expression.

Jun Ci came from that era. She knew the meaning of this war song for the empire. This kind of adaptation was a kind of blasphemy.

If you just want to adapt and say hello to her, you may not agree.

But it would be too much to collect money for listing yourself.

Junci did not let Gulu make a move, but directly contacted major music platforms and asked them to remove the song "Glory" first.

Rongguang is just the name of her book. Zhanqu and Rongguang have nothing to do with each other. The intention of this popularity is also obvious.

Because it was the emperor, the platform was quickly removed from the news on the platform, and because of Junci's hard-line attitude, the platform even suddenly apologized on Weibo.

To the effect that the unauthorized listing of unlicensed works and charges were allowed, which caused a bad influence. The platform apologized and refunded the users who purchased the song.

As soon as this apology came out, it could be regarded as confusing most people.

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