Ordinary fans: Hello, emperor! I am your book fan, it is not easy to be able to add you!


The Zhixiangyin on the computer side was sweaty on his forehead, and a good friend, sad picture fan next to him, watched him chat with the emperor. He also smirked and patted Zhixiangyin on the shoulder: "The emperor is the emperor, look at how tall people are It's cold, it's so arrogant."

Zhi Xiangyin turned his head and said, "It's okay to have a shelf, after all, are they the emperor?"

Turn around and continue typing quickly.

Ordinary fans: I have admired you for a long time, and it is an honor to be able to add to your QQ!

Emperor: So what?

The only phase seal choked.

Immediately turned around to ask for help from Sad Painting Fan: "This emperor is a bit unreasonable to play cards, how can I respond?"

Sad Painting Fan picked up a slice of iced watermelon and ate it: "Are you stuck in your mind after a long time as an author? As a book fan, you must ask him about the content of the book. Is it possible that you ask him to be an author? Thing?"

"Oh yes yes!"

Zhixiangyin suddenly realized: "I haven't experienced this in too many years, and I didn't react for a while."

Ordinary fan: It’s such an author. I like your novels very much. I don’t know the source of inspiration for your novels?

Emperor: Think about it

Ordinary fans:...

Zhixiangyin gave a wry smile: "I really can't get back this."

The sad fan watermelon almost burst out with a smile: "This emperor is quite stylish, can't you just follow along?"

Zhixiangyin understood, and according to the instructions of the sad painting fan, he reluctantly continued the awkward chat.

Ordinary fans: The author's brain is really amazing.

The emperor: If you have anything to do, just say it straight, Zhixiangyin

Jun Ci didn't want to tease him anymore.

It's also very hard for a super **** to be choked by himself.

On the computer side, Sad Picture Fan suddenly laughed and shouted: "66666666 the emperor."

Zhixiangyin was dumbfounded: "Impossible, my trumpet is a new application, I still use your laptop. Of course, this is not the main, so many authors, how can he know so surely that I am Zhixiang Printed?"

Ordinary fans:...

Ordinary fans:...

Zhixiangyin swiped two screens without a word.

Ordinary fans: How can you know that it is mine right away.

Emperor: I can make anti-theft software. Isn't it a matter of minutes to check your IP?

Zhixiangyin looked up to the sky and roared: "Forget this one!"

He is the author and not a hacker, so naturally he cannot hide his IP address.

Sadly painted fan and slapped her thigh with a big smile: "This emperor is a great man."

Ordinary fans: the emperor you 6666666666666

Zhixiangyin trumpet: In that case, get to know it again. I am Zhixiangyin, but I added you. Keke is indeed because I read your book and are very interested in you.

Emperor: polite

Zhixiangyin Trumpet: I think you have recently signed copyright contracts with many companies. I heard that you have just signed a publishing contract with Jinshan Culture. I may be a little shameless to say that, but you really have no idea to end the development of Literature.com?

Dignified, a super god, still doing shameless things like digging people?

And this is obviously not something that Zhixiangyin should worry about.

So obviously, Zhixiangyin was just saying this casually. He and he might just find a topic to talk with Junci smoothly.

The emperor: Endpoint Literature Network won't give me all the copyright, will it?

Looking at this sentence, both Zhixiangyin and Sad Painting Fan were very surprised: "Luodu Literature Network directly gave him full copyright? It's amazing!"

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