The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 197: Hollywood company

When the news spread, I don't know how many domestic fans have been excited.

When it was taken abroad, everyone's sense of violation was not so heavy.

After all, this work of Sad Painting Fan was originally written about Western fantasy. Some of the characters are Westernized, so it's just right to shoot abroad.

Most people are cheering, only a few people can see it, the sad picture fan sold the copyright to Gaffney, I am afraid it was bled.

Later, after the filming was released, sure enough, because of the influence of the sad painting fan and the birth of the first real big IP movie in China.

Last year's box office hit nearly 3.5 billion.

Only the China box office, the North American box office even almost broke the $1 billion miracle.

The global box office totaled nearly 10 billion, making it the second largest box office in the world.

Among them, China can be said to have contributed a lot.

Then, so much money has nothing to do with Sad Painting Fan.

In the follow-up, Gafoni also only symbolically gave a red envelope of 10 million Chinese yuan to the sad painting fan.

This is quite criticized by insiders.

Even the top executives who have always maintained the true qualities of a businessman say that Gaffney does things too badly.

Of course, if you replace it with some ordinary people, I am afraid you will say that a red envelope is only ten million, so what else are you dissatisfied with.

That's because you haven't reached this level. In other words, a company's cooperative business has used your creativity to obtain a profit of more than 100 million!

It's equivalent to buying you 800,000 yuan and giving you another 100,000 red envelopes. The rest is not divided into a dime. Are you happy?

Among them, Gaffney is a natural bonus for Hollywood, but Tragedy Fan is a domestic super author.

Its own influence is no less than that of some film and television stars. Among them, the IP explosion has his credit.

In addition to the box office explosion, "Legend of Fantasy" also has a good reputation. This is all due to Tragic Fan itself, because he adapted the plot.

Now, Gaffney has come up with a sequel, and has found a Fan of Sadness.

This time, the friends of Sad Painting Fan revealed that because of the hidden hidden rules of Hollywood, they have always looked down on the Chinese.

I think the box office explosion has nothing to do with the sad picture fan, so the price is still not high.

It's just that the box office is so ugly that it can't be done too ugly. This time Gafoni's reserve price is 20 million US dollars to buy out, so that Sad Painting Fan will have another sequel.

In other words, it is equivalent to letting Sad Painting Fan publish another novel by herself.

Do you know his current worth?

He wrote a new novel, let alone such a customized work, and the price alone would cost him tens of millions.

Subsequent other profits from this book alone are more than 100 million.

Gaffney asked him to write a script, and he was only willing to pay the equivalent of 160 million Chinese currency. In this case, only a real fool would accept it.

And Gaffney really treats this domestic super first-line **** like a fool.

Why is the sad fan not angry?

Hollywood has spotted the downturn in China's domestic market, so it has come up with such a way to force the sad fan.

It's no wonder the sad fan who has always been gentle and kind is so angry.

After his wife came out, Zhixiangyin climbed on the shoulders of Sad Painting Fan: "Walk around, eat first, and talk while eating. After all, I agreed tonight, so I still have to go and see it at night. Time to see if they are so wicked."

On Junci's side, Gulu also reported the news to Junci.

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