The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 2089: Add blockage

During this period, Lydia and Jun Chengbai discussed making up a wedding.

They didn't have any idea of ​​reorganizing the wedding, but they couldn't hold back too many people around to get married.

The first is Junci, and there are many people around him.

Jun Chengbai works in Junci's game company. It is usually not easy for an otaku to find a wife early, but if conditions are good, there are still many people who get married.

At that time, Jun Chengbai realized that he still owed Lydia a wedding.

Even Lydia never mentioned it.

But for a woman, she definitely hopes that she has a perfect wedding. The greatest happiness of a woman is to wear a wedding dress.

Jun Chengbai didn't talk to Lydia at first, but approached Jun Ci to discuss.

"Do you want to make up a wedding for mom?"

When Jun Ci heard Jun Chengbai say this, he was quite surprised, but he was not too surprised.

For a long time, her daughter has the same attitude as Lydia, not taking the initiative or paying attention to things that are not there.

Even if Jun Chengbai and Lydia need to hold a wedding.

Now Jun Chengbai mentioned it, and Jun Ci thinks it is feasible: "Okay, Dad, if you have this idea, you are not making up the wedding. You and Lydia should be considered married? Why don't you propose a marriage first?"

When Jun Ci made this suggestion, Jun Chengbai's face became fiercely dry. He rubbed his hands and was a little embarrassed: "We are all so old. I want to have a wedding with your mother. Is this proposal?"

"How old, but forty years old."

Jun Ci refrained from smiling and said with a serious face: "Think about it, Lydia has been with you for so many years, and didn't ask for anything. Isn't it normal for you to propose and marry again? If you have this idea, I am sure Will help you, let's surprise Lydia together?"

Jun Chengbai hesitated: "Really...really?"

He has probably belonged to the kind of man who is more indecisive, but this indecision is usually reflected in some aspects that concern Lydia.

He was used to let Lydia call the shots.

Jun Ci said directly: "Dad, as a man, be decisive!"

Jun Chengbai: "...good!"

That's how things are said, propose to Lydia and hold the wedding.

Jun Ci told Mother Jiang about this, the main purpose is to let her help with the wedding.

When Mother Jiang heard this, her eyes lit up and she agreed: "Okay!"

She didn't ask why she is holding a wedding for so many years now. She is a very reasonable woman.

In this way, when they concealed Lydia, they arranged the wedding details in full swing behind their backs.

Junci once had an experience and was familiar with his parents.

But she took a careful look at the question of the invitation, and handed the invitation to Jun Chengyue the first time.

What reaction did he have that Jun Ci originally didn't want to see it, but when Guru got the news, Jun Chengyue received an invitation from her home and directly smashed a vase at hand.

The servants at home were a little confused about Jun Chengyue's sudden anger.

They seem to have hardly seen Jun Chengyue, who has always been elegant and noble, ever turn his face so disregarding his image.

This reaction made Junci see-it was so happy!

Can't you move Jun Chengyue, can't you add to it?

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