The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 289: The emperor is coming to the office

Until Jiang Yi came back from walking the dog, he still felt a little unrecovered.

Going out for a walk around the piano, although the piano is still an authentic Erha apart from driving the elevator, Jiang Yi always feels that this matter is unscientific.

But after all, it’s a dog raised by yourself, so it’s impossible to send it to the institute for research...

Jiang Yi had no idea what to do. After sending the piano back, he went back to his home.

In a few days he will be able to pick up the piano and go back, and then come back to investigate this matter.

Jun Ci changed the elevator password after Jiang Yi left.

I especially asked Li Ma not to be seen by the piano when I entered the password.

Ma Li was a little puzzled, and then she was shocked when she saw the piano enter the password by herself and the correct password was the previous one.

Jun Ci suspected that the piano was taken out by Jiang Yi now. He knew how to press the elevator floor. What if he ran out in the future?

Sure enough, the piano saw that the password was wrong and the elevator door did not open, so he scratched the elevator door angrily, calling out to Junci a few times.

Just with its current IQ, it can't think of changing the password for the time being.

Then when it saw Junci entered the password and the elevator opened, it was a little angry.

Jun Ci didn't care about it. The dog was obviously evolving now, and he ran out and was arrested by others for research. Jiang Yi had to demolish her house.

The next day, she went to Gouge's company as promised yesterday.

This is the first time that Junci has visited Luodu's company.

Brother Gou received the news early in the morning. According to the plan, they were planning to sign a contract with the emperor elsewhere. Now that the emperor directly said that he would come to the company, Brother Gou was suddenly energetic.

He shouted at the office: "The emperor is coming to us today. Are you ready to receive it?!"

"Ah ah ah ah, really!!!"

"Really? My God, the emperor will come to our office?!"

"I want to see him for a long time, this time we can see the real person, right!!"

"The emperor is so handsome..."

"Fuck, isn't it just an author? Look at the excitement of you mothers!"

There was a scream in the office, and the source was of course the most excited female editors.

Other male video editors were blowing beards and staring at Brother Dog.

Peng Pengxiang and their desks are the emperor's ID photos, the kind that you can't get tired of looking at them every day. Now that the emperor is coming to their office at first glance, they are suddenly happy and crazy.

That's a real person, a real person!

Real people are not as handsome as their ID photos! !

The editors of the female channel are happy, while the male channel is sad.

Shi Nan felt that in this bleak atmosphere, all male radio editors could light a cigarette to smoke. He looked at Brother Dog earnestly and said: "Guzi, the organization believes in you so much, why do you want to inform the organization of such a tragic news."

Brother Gou: "...Then what should I do, is it possible that the emperor came and didn't tell me? Don't worry, the emperor is a bit different from what you think."

Shi Nan: "What's the matter, is he really unable to get his ID photo?"

Brother Gou thought of the sights he had seen in the previous few months, and there were dark spots on his face, but at that time the emperor said that his face was getting better.

Now, it's not necessarily good so fast, right?

He remembered that this teenager always wore a mask, so it shouldn't cause too much storm...

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