Junci had already learned a little bit about Hades when he last hacked.

Now that the other party has come to the door, he must know more detailed information.

"Hadis is looking for His Royal Highness this time because of Lucifer's matter last time. After Lucifer was hacked by Guru, he was wise not to continue working towards His Royal Highness, but he revealed the matter to Hardy. Hades hadn't moved before, until Gulu discovered his traces in the past few days. Although he himself hid the IP address and traces, it was useless.

Hades's approach is equivalent to spinning around the door all the time and not coming in.

But there are traces, so it can be detected by Guru.

But of course it’s someone else, I’m afraid I don’t even know that someone is watching him.

"It's quite wise."

Since there is no rash intrusion, it is not worthy of Junci's fight. It's just that Junci doesn't like this kind of inquiries.

"Guru, teach him a lesson."


Gollum is doing these things very happily now, and it happens to compete with these people.

Although it is more bullying.

Italy, in an old castle.

The Western young man with a sickly pale face, his slender hands were quickly tapping the keyboard.

His movements are elegant and beautiful like a genie jumping at the fingertips, and the crisp and neat keyboard sounds are like a beautiful song of nature.

In the dark room, only his computer emits a shining white light, reflecting his paler face.

It's just that there are countless pages open on his computer screen, as if he doesn't care if the computer will support it, and these pages are quickly collecting what information.

Only very quickly, the computer freezes for a moment.

The young man's movements paused, and then he saw that blood red and bold English fonts appeared on the computer.

"Hades, enough is enough"

With these words, the young man covered his lips and coughed slightly. Then, a morbid smile appeared on his face: "Emp..."

He murmured the word, and immediately turned off his computer screen.


In a blink of an eye, it was next week, the day Yuan Chenyan said that the club recruited new people.

"It is precisely because of the recruitment of new clubs that Longfu University has no classes for freshmen today, so you can choose your favorite club to join first.

"I want to join the basketball club, but I don't know that their rules for finding people are strict. My basketball skills are just average. If I can't make it, I can join my favorite club."

Yuan Chenyan has his own goals, and Junci will be more casual: "I will look at it when the time comes, and join whichever I like."

Yuan Chenyan was a little surprised: "Don't you have a club you like?"

"I don't know, maybe you will come across something you like or are interested in."

For the Physics Department, some regular students should choose some clubs with a strong experimental or academic atmosphere, but Junci does not take the usual path, so the range of clubs to choose from is larger.

Upon hearing this, Yuan Chenyan glanced at the large group of sneaky girls who followed them, and suddenly laughed secretly: "I think if you join a club, that club will be overcrowded by then."

Think about it, the club that the school grass joins, I don't know how many people will join it at that time, just to have activities with the school grass.

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