The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 306: Associations facing ban

"Junci, what club have you joined?"

As soon as Yuan Chenyan turned his head, he saw that Junci was about to go back. After all, she was too conspicuous. As long as you follow the people's eyes, it is definitely her.

"Joined, the virtual application and equipment research community."


Yuan Chenyuan was stunned, "What kind of organization is this?"

It seems that this society is really unpopular, even Yuan Chenyan was not specifically mentioned when he asked.

"It's the research of network applications and the research of VR equipment. You should know about VR, right?"

VR equipment is a popular new type of virtual technology equipment, which can be said to be similar to the ultimate evolution version of 3D glasses.

Wearing VR glasses can experience a truly immersive feeling, especially suitable for large-scale games or virtual amusement projects.

It's a bit similar to the connected devices developed for virtual games previously imagined.

Although it is not particularly real, there is already a certain virtual reality effect.

Because of the high price, it has not been popularized among ordinary families, but as long as they are interested in these aspects and have the conditions, including the students of Longfu, most of the homes have a set of VR equipment.

Yuan Chenyan has it at home, so of course he knows what it is, and his eyes widened: "It sounds awesome! He also studies VR. Longfu University is indeed a world-renowned university, and even this kind of research community has it."

"I just got in with a little interest."

Jun Ci said lightly.

"That's okay, but do you have relevant experience before?"

Yuan Chenyan also asked this question.

Jun Ci lifted her lips and smiled mysteriously: "I think it is."

Yuan Chenyan didn't understand what she meant, but just thought it was amazing, and couldn't help but sighed: "Learning God is learning God, and you even understand this thing."

Although Yuan Chenyan didn't understand Junci, because Junci usually showed a sense of loftyness, no matter what she said, Yuan Chenyan felt very powerful.

A full-fledged fan posture.

Now, every move of Junci has attracted the attention of the school. Junci has joined this society, and soon a variety of messages began to appear on the forum.

[There are societies like virtual applications and equipment research in our school? What the hell? 】

[On why the school grass doesn’t take the usual path...]

[嘤嘤嘤, this club only recruits one person, Master Porcelain just doesn’t want us to harass him]

[So angry, why only recruit one person for a broken club? 】

[Virtual application and equipment research? Isn't this club one of the top ten cold bench clubs in our school? 】

[In addition to the nickname, trust the school grass monarch porcelain to join the virtual application and equipment research community, the community successfully turned over, and will soon enter the list of popular club names]

[School grass joins this club to stand up, he is not a god, I remember that this club is still facing the result of being outlawed? 】

[This club can't deliver another result within this year, will it face disqualification from the club? Didn’t know this when the school grass joined? 】

In addition to the discussion on the matter itself, the forum also revealed some knowledge.

In the club, Mo Chaoyang looked at the discussion on the forum with a blue face, and the words Xianyu turned over were extremely dazzling to him.

"What school grass? Tsk."

He snorted disdainfully.

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