The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 308: It's a waste of acting not to go to the Oscars

After school in the afternoon, even Jiang Yi received the news that Jun Ci would join the club.

He sent a text message to Junci and went straight to the subject: Your brain is not good, why add this useless society?

Junci: I want you to manage.

Bastard: I have to have it, I don't bother to care!

Then Tsundere Master didn't reply.

Jun Ci slowly curled his lips and put the phone back in his pocket.

When I left the school gate, I was going to reach out and stop the car and go back. Suddenly, Jun Ci felt that someone was following him behind him.

If ordinary people still can't notice it, but Jun Ci is a particularly keen person. Almost instantly, Gulu also gave a message: "His Royal Highness, He Jiankang has sent someone to trouble you."

"Are you looking for trouble?"

Hearing these words, the boy's eyes didn't have an accident, but a touch of excitement.

Even excited, people are faintly afraid.

"It's great. I've been bored for a long time. I want to see what He Jiankang wants to do."

She didn't stop the car, just walked towards home on foot.

And as she walked away, a black car that was originally hidden in the traffic flow, secretly kept up with Junci.

Maybe it's because there are already many cars in the imperial capital, and you are particularly conspicuous when you run slowly. After Junci walked to the area almost leaving the school, the black car stopped on a roadside.

Three sturdy men rushed out of the car and came directly to Jun Ci and stopped him.

"What are you doing?"

The teenagers in front of them looked at them with deep fear, and even shrank subconsciously, seeming to be very disturbed.

One of the middle-aged men with murderous expressions of the big man, with a calm face, said yinly: "Our Lord invites the little brother to come and talk."

It was polite, but in fact the tone was full of murderous aura. If Junci said no word, it was conceivable that they would do it directly.

Jun Ci shook his head: "I don't know any Lord He..."

Without waiting for her to finish speaking, one hand directly clamped her arm, and forced her to the car.

At that moment, a faint killing intent flashed through the eyes of the teenager who was originally frightened and afraid, but it disappeared quickly and turned into that kind of fearful teenager again.

Although she was wearing a mask, anyone could feel her anxiety.

When I was taken into the car, I also struggled a few times, "I don't know him, it's illegal for you to kidnap me!"

The big man sitting in the co-pilot saw Junci's appearance in the rearview mirror and sneered: "You are not very capable. You don't even pay attention to our Lord's greetings. What is going on now, are you afraid? "

Jun Ci's face was "white", "I really don't know what you said, I'm an ordinary student..."

"Do you want money? I have some money. I can give you all."

She seemed to be so frightened that she shuddered even when she spoke.

Seeing Jun Ci's extreme counseling, a flash of disgust flashed in the big man's eyes, and then he was too lazy to talk nonsense with Jun Ci, and his eyes closed.

Only Junci was left, trapped in the middle by two people, looking scared with his head down.

Gulu couldn't help sighing: "His Royal Highness, if you don't go to the Oscars in this world with your acting skills, I am a little sorry for your performance today."

Jun Ci smirked in his mind: "I'm sorry, Gulu."

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