The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 315: Very bleak society

The piano has become more witty. I saw Junci entering the room last night and immediately ran out and rushed to Li Ma's room. The doghouse was gone.

Junci also ignores it temporarily, anyway, there is a chance to clean it up.

On the second day, Junci went to school as usual.

What happened yesterday didn't have any effect on Jun Ci, so He Jiankang was frightened by her once, and he would definitely not do anything for a short time.

After all, He Jiankang is a big boss, and Jun Ci was really frightened by what happened yesterday.

No matter how powerful he was, he was still afraid to see someone who would threaten his life without saying a word.

What's more, Jun Ci's performance is so emboldened that people think she has come prepared.

Under fear, He Jiankang dared not do it.

Yesterday, the reason why he used his hands to tie up Junci was because Junci did not sell his face, and he felt that he had lost a share. Now that Junci threatened him, he continued to target Junci without knowing how to advance and retreat. It was a brain problem.

Therefore, it is He Jiankang who should find out all the details of Junci now.

After school this afternoon, I have to go to see what the club I joined is doing.

Junci's performance in school can be said to be a benchmark for good students. Basically, I took the courses I took seriously.

Because there is no preparation for the exams yet, so the current results of Junci's studies are worthy of her status as the number one champion in Tianyang Province, and it is still a matter of business.

Soon there will be the first monthly test of Longfu University. This monthly test is the best standard for test results.

Because Junci is not very active in other aspects, apart from learning and appearance, the teachers and students have not yet discovered anything shining.

This inevitably makes some teachers feel sorry. Generally speaking, the students of Longfu University need to develop in an all-round way. At least interpersonal communication and some extracurricular courses should be grasped. Junci is too withdrawn. At present, except for one Yuan Chenyan, the school It is said that there is only one Jiang Boss who plays well with her...

Now the whole school knows that Jun Ci and Mr. Jiang have an extraordinary relationship.

Otherwise, how could Mr. Jiang's pet be raised by Jun Ci?

As for the school grass, every move is paid attention to, so there are many discussions about Junci in private.

Seeing that these news had no major impact on Junci, Gulu closed one eye.

Today, Junci’s class was finished very early. She only had class in the morning and played in the afternoon.

Because in order to have more shooting time, Junci didn't choose many unnecessary courses.

Even choosing a club is to collect credits.

After she had dinner with Yuan Chenyan in the cafeteria at noon, she was ready to go to the virtual application and equipment research community.

For convenience, this is referred to as a virtual society.

Virtual and perfect.

When it was time to pass, Jun Ci sent a text message to Fu Ziyan of the virtual club, saying that he would pass by noon.

Fu Ziyan: Ah ah ah, Master Porcelain, wait for me. There is no one in our club. I will open the door for you in the past. You can wait a while over there! ! !


No one...

How sad is the club? At any rate, students can still stay in the club because of different departments, especially when there are newcomers to report, this club does not even have a gatekeeper.

Just a word, a desolate feeling came directly.

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