The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 317: How sad is it?

Junci: "..."

Dare to love the **** feels that his majesty has been provoked.

He felt that if he hung up his name, Junci should have nothing to worry about, and the green light would be on all the way.

But he couldn't hold his rank too high, others didn't even know.

"It's not a big deal, I have already dealt with it, you are always a trump card, and it is not worth your shot."

Jun Ci said calmly, feeling a little flattering.

Although it might not mean it, Jiang Yi thinks so.

Suddenly my heart became a little happy, and he snorted: "You still know that I am the trump card."

Treat him as a normal 3.

Junci: "..."

Just to be polite, this person is still online.

The chef next to him said, "Master, you can eat."

Jiang Yi suddenly stood up with his chin held high, and looked down at Jun Ci from a high level: "Would you like to have a meal by the way?"

Jun Ci stood up and shook his head: "I have eaten and no more, I have to rush to the club to avoid others waiting."

Jiang Yi recalled with some difficulty: "I know, is it the club that is about to finish?"

Jun Ci: "...Do you have to speak so directly?"

Jiang Yi suddenly sneered, then turned his head to eat.

There is no need for Jun Ci to stay without eating. Besides, Fu Ziyan is rushing over now. If she is there, she doesn't look good.

Follow the signs and the virtual community is not far away.

This is a building dedicated to society.

The area that can be used by each club is the same, not too big or small, with a hundred square meters.

If the club has a large number of people and the strength is enough, you can apply to the school for more space for the club. Like a virtual club, the school will be humane enough without deducting your area.

The virtual club was on the third floor. Take the elevator up. As soon as he reached the door of the club, Jun Ci saw that Fu Ziyan was already there a little anxiously.

Seeing Junci coming, Fu Ziyan's eyes lit up and a surprised light appeared: "Master Porcelain, you are here!"

Jun Ci nodded and said a little apologetically: "Something was delayed just now."

"It's okay, I just arrived."

Fu Ziyan's face flushed a little when she heard Jun Ci's words. Facing this exquisite young man, she always felt a kind of first love inadvertently.

"This is our club..."

Fu Ziyan opened the door and went in and introduced Junci.

In the empty hall of the community, there are a few computers and some weird research objects. It seems that there is a good research atmosphere, but when you look closely, some things are dusty.

Fu Ziyan was a little bit shy next to him: "Our club is not many people now, plus the president is five people... Now Master Porcelain is here, there are six people."

Jun Ci was slightly speechless: "I remember the minimum number of people required by the club is five?"

Fu Ziyan was even more embarrassed: "Yes..."

Junci: "..."

What a poor society.

"What's the vice president?"

Jun Ci asked.

Fu Ziyan was immediately happy and said: "It's Mo Chaoyang, the senior of the history department of junior year. I am the chief consultant of our club. The other two people will come in a while. Mr. Porcelain, you just came in. Now our club still has free positions. , What position do you want?"

Junci: "..."

A society where the number of the Communist Party is not enough for posts is simply nonsense!

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