The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 350: As a director, I will stand on top of the world

Hou Lida felt like he was about to have a myocardial infarction.

The young man in front of Piansheng was justified and confident, and he was still calm.

Is it possible to be so self-willed as a top student in the college entrance examination and his grades are against the sky?

He really wanted to shake Jun Ci's head and yell at her, telling her that you are the most promising child in the Physics Department. Obviously, with her ability, as long as she participates in the research, she may not contribute to mankind.

Why do you have to go to be a director when you get your head?

But these words, Hou Lida cannot say.

What is the purpose of Longfu University?

Free and open, giving students complete choice.

What students want to do is something they cannot force.

Jun Ci is dedicated to the director, and there is no way to recover, Hou Lida can only sigh in his heart.

"In that case, I won't talk about you anymore."

Hou Lida said this sentence with a headache, and he really pressed his temple: "Professor Hua, I suggest you talk about it yourself. He asked the principal before why you didn't participate in the research project."

Generally speaking, if students in a college want to make a certain achievement, they will participate in the corresponding research project of the college.

For example, there are many research projects involved in the Department of Physics, all of which are related to various scientific experiments currently being conducted by human beings.

Ordinary students only need to complete the corresponding experimental items in accordance with the course, for the sake of grades.

Excellent students can join some special research groups, or research teams.

This all involves one's own future, so the experimental projects involved must be very advanced.

When Jun Ci entered the school because her grades were too bad, the school will pay attention to her movements after choosing the physics department.

Knowing that she was making a movie didn't bother her temporarily, because they just thought it was one of her hobbies and did not affect her studies.

However, in addition to participating in the necessary scientific experiments in the course, it is a bit strange that Junci has not participated in the research project for so long.

In addition, her performance in experimental courses is quite good. She often draws inferences from one another, so that the experimental teachers are admired, indicating that her ability to understand is absolutely very strong.

If you go to Professor Hua based on her results, even if you have no experience, it is not difficult for Professor Hua to ask a research team to take her.

The point is, she didn't go!

Professor Hua also has his own business to be busy, so he has never approached Junci in private, but occasionally he asked the principal about Junci during school meetings.

Now that Hou Lida knew what Junci meant, he stroked his forehead completely.

Although this student showed very high talents, but her ambition is not here, there is nothing to do.

Are the geniuses now so self-willed to do things?

Junci was able to get a unique score of 749 points in history, and it is not too much to call it a genius.

"Professor Hua has the right time and I will talk to him, but now I don't think there is any problem with me not participating in the experimental project. This is my personal choice and has nothing to do with the school."

Hearing this, Hou Lida said something earnestly and earnestly: "Jun Ci, it is your personal ambition to be a director. I am not against it, but can you really give up the glory brought by the Department of Physics? Development, the honor that the Department of Physics can bring to you is something that a director will never bring to you."

Jun Ci smiled and shook his head, and said something that shocked Hou Lida: "Even if I am a director, I will stand on the top of the world. There is no doubt about this."

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