Eternity perfectly fits the setting of a great god.

Although he is sometimes grumpy and loves people.

For details, please refer to all kinds of hanging on Weibo.

But I never talk about unnecessary nonsense, and I don't care about the mortals who come together during the game.

When speaking, you can try not to speak as much as possible. The tone is as simple as possible.

In addition, his voice is very nice, and some people say that he is really handsome.

He has long been the first male **** of the game in the hearts of fans and gamers.

The first time I heard Eternity speak in such a proud tone, I felt...

Three views are about to be shattered.

Nor can it be blamed for the instant silence in the entire voice channel.

Jiang Yi felt like a pill.

He silently turned off the voice, closed the notebook, and asked calmly as if nothing had happened: "Where is my medicine?"

"it's here."

Ma Li didn't understand what was going on, so she brought it to him directly when she heard Jiang Yi asked, and brought hot water by the way.

Looking at him like this, Junci seldom explained: "I am not used to sleeping in the same room with others. This is my own personal reason. I don't have a bed at home now. Next time I will get you a separate room.

Drinking water, Jiang Yi squinted at her.


Guru was a little confused in his mind, but also a little shocked.

Why does your Highness want to explain?

Having been with His Highness for so many years, it understands that His Highness will only explain it unless it is necessary to explain.

And like this, because someone else's proposal was rejected by her, your Highness won't explain it at all!

She has her own reserved and arrogant, does anyone deserve her explanation?

After listening to Jun Ci's explanation, Jiang Yi's mood improved a lot, just like a fried hair, Mao felt smooth in an instant.

After he took the medicine, he went back.

It was getting late, and after he left, Jun Ci told Guru: "Look at his car."

She knew that Jiang Yi was driving back.

Gulu didn't respond in time this time. Instead, after a long silence, he curiously said, "Your Highness, are you too indulging in Jiang Yi?"


The corner of Jun Ci's eyes jumped in an instant, "What is vertical?"


Guru finds it hard to describe.

The previous His Highness is too different from the current His Highness.

No, it should be said that His Royal Highness has not changed from beginning to end, as she was like when she was in Interstellar.

It's just that Gulu has never seen him before. His Royal Highness is so patient with a person.

It can't be said to be extremely patient, but compared to others, the changes in Your Highness are quite obvious.

However, Guru thinks this is nothing.

Although His Royal Highness is essentially a girl, he also knows the kind of reproduction between human beings of the opposite sex.

Probably can be explained as the beginning of a heartbeat.

But there was no sign of Jiang Yi from the hall below, and her emotions were very calm.

Sometimes there is no difference between facing Jiang Yi and facing other people, only the small details are different.

Probably Jiang Yi is really good-looking, and Jun Ci is a straightforward face dog.

That's why it is different to Jiang Yi.

I have to admit that according to the laws of the earth, being good-looking can indeed be favored by society.

Jun Ci himself didn't think he had anything special to Jiang Yi. When he was dead, didn't he just punish Jiang Yi without hesitation?

However, Guru is still an intelligent body after all, and the beginning of many things forgotten start from ‘different’.

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