The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 376: A man of inconsistency

"look at me?"

As if Jing Gulu said so, Jun Ci felt a substantial gaze falling on him.

Cold, oppressive eyes with a full of aggressive aura.

It was very uncomfortable for Junci to rush.

But soon, the feeling of that look changed.

At the same time, there were people in the distant car, slowly rolling down the window.

It was a face that couldn't see the age, handsome, with noble grace.

Only the temperament of the body is stable and tough like a rock.

At the same time, his gaze, although arrogant, but gentle.

Some of his shirt collars were exposed in the car window, embroidered with delicate and intricate patterns, just like this man feels.

Complex and remote, noble in another world.

He looked at Jun Ci at this moment, calm and gentle.

Had it not been for Jun Ci had felt a cold and oppressive gaze just now, I am afraid that he would be fooled by the appearance of this man in the first place.

Perhaps it was because he had been in a Canadian castle for a long time, and his face was as pale as a vampire.

It didn't damage his beauty.

"This man is weird."

Gulu made a sound in Jun Ci's mind and was also muttering.

Guru can detect emotional fluctuations under the surface of human beings, so it can sometimes tell if others are lying or not.

But being able to not be seen by Guru just made Guru feel weird, which means that this man is definitely not so gentle and harmless on the surface.

With just a glance, Junci withdrew his sight.

If this man is okay, maybe Junci's heavy face control will take a good look.

She carried her backpack casually and rode home.

After she left, the window of the car slowly rose up, re-covering the beautiful face.

After a while, Jiang Yi walked out of the school gate.

He rarely drove today, but came to the motorhome very purposefully. The door opened and he sat in.

The noble man sat opposite him and raised a gentle smile: "Xiao Yi."

His voice is low and magnetic with coldness, and speaking so warmly, it gives people a feeling of being cared for.

Fully show the love of elders.

Jiang Yi looked at him and was very happy: "Uncle Chengyue, come and pick me up when you come back? I thought I could see you on the 15th."

"En." Jun Chengyue's voice was not rushed or slow, and her speaking speed was full of natural elegance: "I haven't seen Xiao Yi for a long time. I want to talk to you. I will go to Jun's house for dinner tonight, okay?"

In Jiang Yi’s memory, Jun Chengyue was even better than the Jun family. Even his grandfather, who was stubborn in the army, was the only junior who had praised him for so many years. Uncle, Jun Chengyue.

Jiang Yi has been spoiled since he was a child, and this Jun family also pampered him extremely, and it is rare that Jiang Yi trusts and respects Jun Chengyue very much, so of course he nodded and obeyed Jun Chengyue's words, "Okay."

Even if you don't like the atmosphere of the Jun family, as long as Jun Chengyue goes back, the Jun family members will not dare to be demon, and he will not hear the strange clashes of those people at the dinner table.

Of course Jiang Yi will go to the rare moment of comfort.

"I'll call my mother and say it."

Jun Chengyue looked at him with a smile, the corners of his eyebrows and eyes were still very gentle: "Okay."

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