The reason why Junci did not allow deletion is simple.

There are indeed too many secrets in her body. To become a director, she must be regarded as half a public figure.

Sooner or later, people will pick up things about yourself. If you blindly hide things, you will only rebound more fiercely.

It's better to let the matter out first, and then solve it, it's a result.

Can avoid unnecessary trouble in the future.

The most important thing is to see how far this matter can ferment.

The person who made this post is anonymous.

Anonymity is omnipotent wherever it is.

Longfu University’s forum post has a rule. If the content of the post is true, even if it may have a bad influence on the people in the post, you can still apply for anonymity of the poster, and the school has the right to refuse to disclose the identity of the poster.

The shrewdness of the anonymous person in this post is that the places he picks up are true, and they are all about Junci, but the following speculations are that his words are oriented and cannot prove anything.

So naturally, his identity is unknown.

However, Jun Ci knew who the other party was right away, which really surprised her.

This person is Gu Ziyi who failed to confess this morning.

It should be said that the mastermind is her, the person who posted the post is someone who confuses the line of sight, and Zhang Nian is also cooperating.

How did these two people get together? I won’t mention it for the time being. Gu Ziyi only confessed to her that she had failed in the morning, and immediately began to retaliate in the afternoon.

The girl's mind is really not so cruel.

Bai was blind with a doll-like exquisite appearance.

Besides, Zhang Nian...


sucker Punch.

Not reconciled in my heart, so this time I met Gu Ziyi by coincidence.

And Gu Ziyi should say that she met Zhang Nian a few days ago, and she suddenly came to confess, just to seize Junci's handle?

Hey, this girl, she plans to find her in person tomorrow.

If you do something you shouldn't do, you have to pay the price.

The post really caused an uproar in Longfu.

Regardless of the content orientation, if one of the facts of Junci's unfilial piety is true, it will be enough to prevent her from staying in Longfu.

The people of Longfu emphasize reputation and fame, and there may be many things that are not visible, but they must not be exposed. In other words, Longfu cannot have students with bad character.

However, after the post was posted, it was not blindly following the trend like Weibo. The people in Longfu were all human beings. How could I not see the problem? Except for a few extreme people in the post, most of them felt that the content of the post was inappropriate Really.

[I don’t think the school grass is such a person, Yan is justice]

[Wow, it means that Boss Jiang’s eyes are blind to make friends with such people? The host is a bit tigerish]

[Qiaodou sack (wait), the school grass is plastic surgery? Ask for the name of the hospital! ! ! ! ! ! ! 】

[I am like upstairs, asking for the name of the plastic surgery hospital]

[What kind of hospital can make Junci look like this? I pay double the price and I have to go! 】

[What is the crime of defamation, do you know? 】

[If you have the ability to post with your name, you are too persuaded to be anonymous, so we can’t believe you]

[So, what about the stone hammer? 】

[Hehe, it's disgusting, how can there be such a person in this world]

[Upstairs said it's disgusting, isn't it the last time I was beaten by school grass? I thought I was anonymous and didn't know it was you? 】

[Actually, things about Junxiaocao are really weird. I heard that she lives in Ruihe Huayuan. The house price is very high. Why does the school grass family live in such an expensive place if the family conditions are not good? 】

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