The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 438: He must be dead

At noon, Jiang Yi asked Jun Ci to eat with him.

It just so happened that Jiang Yi did eat well, and Jun Ci went straight away without refusing.

When he came, Jiang Yi was not alone, but his best friend Ji Moyin was there again.

In contrast, Jiang Yi and Ji Moyin are indeed free, Jing Fuxiao and Xia Hanyun are both busy with their own affairs.

After Junci came, Ji Moyin was sitting on the sofa and playing games. The game music was very familiar, and Junci heard it immediately. It was a game developed by himself.

Jiang Yi was playing around with his notebook, and rarely put down his phone, and began to play his old game, the history of empire architecture.

This is the first time that Junci has seen Jiang Yi playing a computer game. His slender fingers are holding the mouse, and the other hand is quickly tapping on the keyboard. On the computer screen, a magnificent building prototype is gradually appearing. , Junci can see through the prototype, it is a very tall tower.

Only a corner of the screen can be shown. Jiang Yi built this magnificent tower by himself. In just a while, Junci saw Jiang Yi built a carved pattern of the tower.

An eagle that spreads its wings.

Just imitating anyone can do it, but Jiang Yi didn’t see anything. He relied on his own imagination to cast, or the decoration of the building itself. Looking at this project, it is estimated that it could not be completed in a short time. Anyway, Jiang Yi imagined Power and creativity are admired enough.

"Uh, Junci?"

Jun Ci looked at it for a while, and the voice beside her diverted her attention.

Ji Mo Yinzheng looked at her with a look of interest, and raised the game in her hands: "I heard that this game was designed and developed by you."

Jun Ci nodded: "Yes."

"It's amazing. How did you make this intelligent system? Sometimes I don't think this is a game, it's a living world."

When it comes to this game, Ji Moyin's words are endless. Originally, I thought that this young man had nothing to do except studying well. Now that the game is fascinated, Ji Moyin thinks he is simply a genius. .

"That's it."

Jun Ci made Ji Mo Yin choke with a remark.


Jiang Yile, who was working on construction, said, then turned off the game and stood up: "Don't talk to Ji Moyin, he is brain-stuck."

Ji Moyin: " are mentally retarded."


Why bother to hurt each other?

Junci was eating here at noon, and Jun Chengyue, who had discussed the matter at the school leader, declined the invitation to eat with others.

He was escorted to the RV. Inside the car, the atmosphere was slightly depressed. Jun Shenglian drove a bottle of red wine. Seeing Jun Chengyue came up, he poured a glass for him.

Jun Chengyue gracefully handed the red wine glass to his lips, did not take a sip, and suddenly took it down and shook it slightly, but his eyes were looking in the direction of the school: "You said, if the child is not dead, this year Shouldn't it be time for college?"

The sudden sentence made Jun Shenglian frowned: "Don't say this. The child is already dead."

"Are you sure you are dead?"

Jun Chengyue put the red wine glass on the small table in the car. The voice was not soft or loud, but it seemed to shock Jun Shenglian's heart: "I didn't ask you much about it at the beginning, I believed you. , Now I am a little unsure."

The corners of Jun Chengyue's lips twitched slightly, his gentle temperament remained the same, but in this gentleness, there seemed to be an invisible cold and cold aura that enveloped him.

His complexion became pale and bloody, and it became more and more coquettish.

Jun Shenglian's heart burst, and his voice was categorically determined: "I must be dead. I did things very cleanly and will not leave any trouble. Did you find something?"

"hope so."

The metaphorical words did not directly answer Jun Shenglian's words, but seemed to indicate something.

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