The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 449: Big V prediction

These people are all beautiful ladies with good conditions at home.

It was originally a club that only joined Junci's beauty, but now it makes a difference to ask them to join Junci's company.

In other words, they all have more or less companies in their family, or they have the ability to work in a large enterprise group, and they don't need to enter a newly established company.

Even if Junci looks very good-looking, there are some basic rank issues here, so, not surprisingly, the other members of the community rejected this proposal.

In school, they are still members of the club, but they are not employees who enter the company.

Jun Ci was originally just asking, but the answers of these people were also in her expectation.

She didn't care about it, she just asked Gulu to find qualified and trustworthy talents in the outside market.

In terms of movies, all major movie ticketing apps have predicted a box office of about 500 million yuan for Xianzhong's Life and Death Record, which surprised the masses.

A movie without any popular celebrities, or even the first work of a new director, can reach a box office of 500 million yuan?

[Film App, Feiying, Zhike, Hua Xiaobei and other movie apps predict that the final box office of "Xianzhong's Life and Death Record" will exceed 500 million]

[Xianzhong Life and Death Record will eventually reach 500 million at the box office? What miracle will this newcomer work create? 】

[What is the forecast for the box office? 】

[Will the record of life and death in Xianzhong create miracles? 】


Soon there were a lot of related posts on the Internet. Needless to say, there was a wave of topics related to one billion posts.

But the box office of Xianzhong Life and Death Record is 500 million?

This is too ridiculous.

Without fame, just relying on a trailer, just relying on the popularity of a CG drama that the emperor has directed in advance, will have a box office of 500 million?

Many people in the industry find it unrealistic.

But the predictions that these apps belong to are just like crazy, and they really point to 500 million.

Discussions on this matter on relevant forums, Weibo, and Tieba were all mocking.

There are only a handful of people who will stand up and speak in the record of life and death.

Gently I care about my heart. V: Actually, I have seen the trailer of Xianzhong's Life and Death Record. Based on the facts, it is indeed more attractive than Wanxian. The special effects look better than Wanxian's special effects, with a box office of 500 million. Isn’t the prediction strange? The emperor’s "Interstellar Glory" has shown that there will be no problems with the special effects of this movie. There will be many people watching it when watching blockbuster movies. Why can't it reach 500 million? I think it is possible to hit one billion.

——Billion? Don’t don’t, at least 5 billion/funny

——At first glance, you are not a relevant person in the industry. The movie market in December is relatively cold. Neither Wanxian nor Xianzhong’s Life and Death Record has any hope of a big explosion. APP predicts that 500 million is already the maximum predicted What's more, there is no hope of over ten thousand immortals from the lineup. As a big V, you should be careful when you speak.

——It’s strange. Many people in the industry think that there should be three to four billion in the forecast, but several apps all predict 500 million. This is the first time in history. There are very few such unified forecast values. Hua Xiaobei’s box office forecast is 1.5 billion, and Feiying has just one billion, which is a big gap.

——I had a dream last night. My ancestors told me that the record of life and death in the fairyland would explode. Let me quickly open a casino

——As a big V talking so carelessly, hehe, if the box office of Xianzhong Life and Death Record can exceed 500 million, I will live broadcast!

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