The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 451: The ceremony begins

Junci directly bet four billion in the box office, which is a thousand times the bet.

This means that one hundred million at the box office is equal to one hundred thousand yuan. If Junci loses, she will lose several million, and if she wins, she will make a lot of money.

Of course, betting four billion is not blind.

It's because the fund multiple of the current gambling game is the largest, of course, it is a bet.

She doesn't care if she loses, she makes the box office anyway.

And such a big gambling game is not allowed, so it is opened in a relatively secret forum. Those who can enter are verified by their identity, and they are least afraid of recklessness.

For other gambling games on the bright side, Junci bet is quite satisfactory.

But two billion, a hundred times the bet, made other dealers think that Junci was here to hit the market.

But once the gambling round is opened, it cannot be withdrawn, and the dealer is not easy to say anything.

Anyway, if you lose, Junci will lose money. On the contrary, if this person wins the bet, the dealer will be miserable...

At this time, not many people realized the shock of this gambling game, and many people participated in the gambling.

However, apart from the biggest bet that Junci bet on at the beginning, the others were all small games.

The highest number of people betting on the box office does not exceed 1.5 billion. A bet multiple of a few hundred dollars.

In fact, the guess can be 1.5 billion, this person can already be regarded as a warrior.

Wanxian opened a lot of them, and there were even dealers who opened 2.5 billion bets.

Some people actually followed the gambling, this is what surprised Jun Ci.

How great is the ability to think that Wanxian can exceed 2.5 billion?

The film clearly cannot exceed 1.5 billion.

It's not that Junci has no eyes on it. The release of the same type of film would have an impact on the box office, and Wanxian and Xianzhong's Life and Death Record are incomparable.

At that time, I was sniped by Xianzhong's Life and Death Record, and it was a question whether ten thousand immortals could exceed one billion.

It's just that in this situation, Jun Ci has not participated too much. For her, it is natural that the people on Wanxian's side have more confidence, the better.

It's only exciting when it hits.

As time gradually passed, and soon, it came to November 28.

There are only two days left until the movie is released.

The day after tomorrow, in the morning and night, is the moment when the record of life and death in Xianzhong is released.

Now there are more and more voices on the Internet, and everyone is waiting to see the jokes of the Xianzhong Life and Death Record and how Wanxian will suppress the Xianzhong Life and Death Record.

This day is also the date when the grand ceremony of Longfu University begins.

Because I was going to perform on stage today, Junci went to make a custom-made dress. She just reported her size. As long as the dress can be worn, she will wear it this time anyway.

She brought her dress to school first, but did not change it.

Noon is the time for the arrangement of the auditorium. Because the Dragon Mansion is too large and there are many performances, many performances have been prepared for this group of foreign ambassadors.

So the whole afternoon to 7 pm is the time when the Dragon Mansion Ceremony is held.

And unlike other schools, this grand ceremony will also be broadcast on the Internet.

Of course, only sufficiently exciting programs can be selected to be published online.

Jun Ci got the serial number of the show the day before, and I don't know if it was specially arranged. She is the last show.

You must know that at that time, everyone was sitting for a whole afternoon, and there would definitely be people who were impatient.

And the first and last shows are definitely the most exciting.

She is not very good at playing the piano, and it was quite unexpected that she was arranged at a good time.

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