The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 458: Hello, Junci

Although Jiang's mother ridiculed Jiang Yi, her words from time to time still revealed how much Jiang's mother did for Jiang Yi's son.

After all, he was the only male of the Jiang family in modern times, the little prince, and his status was of course unusual.

But Jiang's mother seems to be mainly to see Jun Ci, because she chatted with Jun Ci a lot when she came in.

Junci maintained the politeness that a younger generation should have, and responded politely to what Jiang's mother said, and did not say anything extra.

For example, there are too many opinions on Jiang Yi.

After Jiang's mother left, Jun Ci stood up and drove her to the door.

Just as soon as Mother Jiang walked into the corridor, Jun Ci saw Jun Chengyue in a white suit walking across from her.

Although he is alone, he still feels great pressure.

The moment he saw Junci, it was finally rare, and the smile on the corner of his lips froze for a moment.

He saw the true face of Junci.

Only soon, when Mother Jiang noticed him and stepped forward to speak, there was nothing wrong with his recovery.

Jiang's mother seemed to know him very well, but only a few short sentences did not accompany Jun Chengyue.

As soon as she left, Jun Chengyue entered the room.

After seeing Jun Chengyue, Jun Ci closed the door without saying anything.

Jun Chengyue came to the door, the smile on the corners of her lips froze for a moment, and then a whisper overflowed between her lips and teeth: "Naughty child."

Although the color of men's clothing is inherently monotonous, color collision is inevitable.

But when he collided with Jun Chengyue's dress of the same color, Jun Ci still felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Strange, she was not such a stingy person before.

It just seems that Jun Chengyue can't be accommodated.


The knock on the door followed, and Jiang Yi stayed for a while: "Did you see someone coming here?"

Junci was at the door just now.

"did not see it."

Jun Ci made a cold voice, and opened the door with an indifferent expression.

Outside the door, Jun Chengyue seemed to be carrying the light of the bright moon, and asked gracefully: "Is Xiao Yi there, please?"

"Yes, Uncle Chengyue, here!"

Jiang Yi saw Jun Chengyue and came over without waiting for Jun Ci to speak.

Jun Ci retreated back, and ate a piece of apple from the fruit plate if nothing had happened.

"Uncle Chengyue!"

Ji Moyin also shouted.

If there are girls here, I am afraid they will faint happily, this is simply a feast for Yan Gou.

The four people present are simply top handsome guys competing one by one.

"Uncle Chengyue, there are so many people with you today, you still come backstage, they won't look for it?"

"I just came to see, don't you guys go to the front and sit? Isn't it more exciting than the back?"

Jun Chengyue's expression is always gentle, and what he says makes people unable to fault.

"No, we are here." Jiang Yi didn't like to go to that kind of occasion. He watched Jun Chengyue's gaze move up the body of Jun Ci before he suddenly said, "Uncle Chengyue, you haven't seen it last time. I told you, now I will officially introduce to you, this is Junci!"

With that said, Jiang Yi walked over, pinched the shoulders of Jun Ci who was eating fruit slices, and led her to Jun Chengyue.

"Jun Ci, this is my uncle Jun Chengyue, the last time you met, that uncle of Jun Fan."

This time I really didn't say hello or not.

Jun Chengyue looked at Junci, and the brilliance in his eyes became more and more prosperous in an instant. He stretched out his hand, and his voice revealed a firm and strange distance: "Hello, Junci kid."

As if to recognize her again.

Jun Ci's eyes dimmed, staring at the slender palms of porcelain white as jade, and after a second he stretched out his hands, "Hello, Uncle Jun."

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