The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 460: Did you meet our school grass?

What Guru talks about are some important factors.

As for how big the overseas business of Jun Chengyue and Jun Shenglian are, this is not necessary for Junci.

Judging from the summary of the current information, the Jun family is going downhill. According to Gulu's description, it can be speculated that it may be because Jun Zhiyi does not have enough ruling skills, and the side line is growing and persecuting the direct line.

Therefore, Jun Zhiyi had no choice but to call back Jun Chengyue, who had not been involved in the affairs of the Jun family from overseas, in order to handle the current affairs of the Jun family.

The context of the matter seemed to be clear, but Jun Ci still didn't know the reason why Jun Chengyue was so strange to herself.

The performance just now can be determined.

Jun Ci could see clearly. When Jun Chengyue saw her true face, his momentary emotions revealed his shock.

He recognizes her!

It should be said that just like that Lucien, Jun Chengyue must have met someone who looked like he imagined.

Not mother, but father...

It seems that if you want to find out your own life experience, you might really have to start with this Jun Chengyue.

It's just that this person is too weird, he can't find a chance to come to Junci, secretly there is not much information even if there is a Guru, one can imagine Jun Chengyue's vigilance.

And just as Gulu said, Jun Chengyue is too weird, there must be other secrets hidden in him.

Jun Ci's career is approaching now, Jun Chengyue is so powerful, it is not suitable for him to conflict with him.

"Dear viewers, what we are seeing is the backstage of the Longfu University Auditorium. We can clearly see that there are many students who are busy, and I believe there are still preparations...Uh!!!"

The sudden voice shocked Jun Ci. As soon as she turned her head, she saw a few people walking in from the corner of the backstage with cameras and microphones.

One of the girls, holding a microphone, was originally facing her mouth. She was probably introducing the background situation. When she saw Junci, she was stunned.

Jun Ci's brows were slightly deflated, and immediately accelerated and left here.

"This classmate, this classmate... Hey, that classmate in a white suit!!"

The hostess immediately woke up, suppressed the scream in her heart, and wanted to chase after Jun Ci.

God, was it her hallucination just now?

The boy in the white dress is too pretty! !

Oh buy it!

For a moment, the hostess thought that she accidentally saw the elves living in the mortal world.

Otherwise, tell her why such a good-looking person didn't make a big noise!

Regardless of whether she was dreaming or not, the hostess immediately wanted to catch up, but Jun Ci walked too fast, and she was still following the camera team behind her, but Jun Ci disappeared after a turn.

The hostess's voice became unstable, and her excited face turned red: "Oh my God, I found a very beautiful fairy in the backstage of the auditorium. Yes, it is a fairy, no, no, maybe an angel! Yes! Is it my hallucination? Is it my hallucination?"

The cameraman reminded tearfully: "Sister, it's not your illusion, we have all seen it!"

Such a dazzling boy, who can ignore it!

"Oh my God, it's true!"

The hostess screamed. The students who passed by felt the screams harsh, but they were accustomed to it. The person who met Boss Jiang would not have such a big reaction. It was probably: "Oh, you met our school Isn't it the master of the school?"

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