The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 469: Afraid of being killed by Boss Jiang

[Who is the beautiful little brother who fried chicken at the end of the ceremony, ah, ah, ah, I want a phone number! ! 】

[Beautiful, beautiful, this is really the beauty I have been looking for for many years! 】

[Can't believe that there is such a stunning beauty in the world——-—]

[I'm so confused, the end of the video is like a big bomb]

[You have a good face and a domineering character, **** it, this world is so bad at being ugly]

[Hehe, how can such a perfect person come out? 】

[I attacked people's plastic surgery before the news came out. You have something wrong with it. You also know that the length is perfect. If such a perfect one can come out and put the hospital sign, this hospital will be able to rank among the world class! 】

[Is it a half-blood brother? It’s really super beautiful, it’s not an exaggeration for a beautiful young man]

[Whatever comes out every four thousand years, what happens every few hundred years, trash entertainment circle, look at this, the contemporary appearance of mankind has appeared! 】

[It's so good to not enter the entertainment circle, so we lick the screen is a waste of beauty...]

The Weibo riots were also expected by the student union.

Except for the riots, the hot topic search is almost free of money.

Its popularity is not comparable to that of Xianzhong's Life and Death Record and Wanxian's confrontation.

Jun Ci looked a little painful.

If the emperor burst out, she would be the emperor, and Wanxian, who can burst in her movie, could not find Bei.

Sure enough, this is the true meaning of looking at the face.

It's just that after going out, it's a bit more low-key.

Even after the grand ceremony, it's time to study.

However, because the topic of Weibo is completely hyped up now, Junci is probably really a big hit.

Fortunately, Longfu's integrity is well maintained. No matter how wildly the netizens bombarded the contact information of Junci under the official blog, they did not send any news about Junci.

Because Junci did not intend to enter the entertainment circle, and Longfu is a university with an unusual status, of course, the personal information of students will not be easily leaked out.

The explosion of school grass and school flowers is nothing new, even normal.

But Jun Ci, as a person with good looks, is not at the same level as other college grass.

With vigor and beauty, such a person is a natural enemy of society.

"Junci, you are on fire!!"

Yuan Chenyan was almost quite excited to show her the news on Weibo. Jun Ci only glanced at it and then smiled lazily, "Isn't this normal?"

Her face was unreasonable.

Although she is wearing a mask now, Yuan Chenyan always feels that since the ceremony, the enchanting aura added to Jun Ci has become heavier. At this moment, she smiled so lazily that there was an impulse to make Yuan Chenyan's soul go flying.

Enchanting, this is another level of Daoxing!

Yuan Chenyan did not dare to say these words, he was afraid of being beaten to death.

Swallowing, Yuan Chenyan tentatively said: "Then do you want to enter the entertainment industry?"

"Not interested, besides, I am a director now."

Outside get out of class bell just rang, Jun Ci checked the time and reminded Yuan Chenyan: "Be sure to gather at the entrance of the cinema after dinner time tomorrow."

Because Yuan Chenyan has a good relationship with her, so please call Yuan Chenyan when watching the movie.

Yuan Chenyan nodded hurriedly: "It must be, it must be on time."

He knew that Boss Jiang was also there. Although Boss Jiang was vacant, how could he not be invited to the school?

If you are not on time, I'm afraid I will be beaten to death by Mr. Jiang.

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