The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 476: Ke Weiwei's freezing period is over

How miserable, Wanxian is simply miserable.

This is probably the psychology of most of the people who read comments on Weibo.

Looking at the comments, Wan Xian has already lost.

Even the comments made by Wanxian said that, some fans even betrayed directly, you can imagine how terrifying the offensive in Xianzhong is.

Although there are still some fans who are struggling with praise because they are the protagonist of Wanxian, they still can't stop it. Xianzhong's reputation is too strong.

One hour after the movie premiered, Weibo comments exploded in all directions.

The hot topic has been killed for three times in a row, and its sensationality is not even comparable to the first box office domestic film that year.

The film and television commentators who used to publicly stand on Wanxian taunting Xianzhong’s Life and Death Records are now mostly pretending to be dead.

Slap on the face is really miserable!

Unless it is shameless.

Otherwise, how about life and death in the black fairy?

Waiting online, it's really anxious.

In terms of special effects, Wanxian was directly slammed, even directly against Hollywood's god-level special effects.

Regarding the plot, it was also a slap in the face of Wanxian Eight Streets.

The two most important points are all left behind by the scum of the second of the cents.

Sure enough, when the emperor's sentence was contrasted, it was true. It was not arrogance.

This TM is true!

If you exaggerate forcibly, you will definitely be laughed at by the fans.

A group of big V suddenly suffered.

The wind is quite cold.

No one is calm this night.

The publisher of Xianzhong's Life and Death Record, Yingying Film and Television Media, was also excited and couldn't sleep.

When I saw the comments on the Internet, my face turned into a chrysanthemum.

From the top to the bottom, who doesn't know, the company's shares seem to have another wave of daily limit.

They know a lot better than outsiders. With such a blast of word-of-mouth and such a strong second-brush effect, this film is no longer just about going to fire, it's going to be explosive, pure explosion!

And such a rapid and strong direct feedback is unprecedented in the history of domestic films.

This emperor, he is creating a miracle!

Leaving aside the others, Ke Weiwei was a little bit excited and couldn't sleep at this time. She also wanted to buy tickets for the Record of Life and Death in Xianzhong to continue, but she couldn't buy it.

Had to go home with regret.

Her fans thanked her on Weibo, she didn't need to explain anything.

And it shows that the movie really looks good, and will continue to brush it.

Her fan president knew that she had suffered a lot of grievances recently. After the premiere of Xianzhong's Life and Death, he called her with a cry: "Baby, your support is not wrong, you finally don't have to be talked about by them. ."

A strong face slap does not require much proof.

Ke Weiwei took a movie ticket for the Record of Life and Death in Xianzhong, and sent a meaningful circle of friends.

The cutest Wei Wei—[Picture] No need to respond, I know, he is just trampling on the stars to create a miracle.

The agent quickly sent her a greeting message.

Broker Xiao Ma: You, you, I really don’t know why you persist.

The tone was helpless, but Ke Weiwei understood that the agent knew that she had won the bet.

BOSS: Come to the company for a meeting tomorrow.

Even the company boss who ignored her for a long time sent a message, and the subtext was to indicate that Ke Weiwei's freezing time had expired.

This is the case for capitalists, and nothing has happened.

Ke Weiwei flipped through the emperor's WeChat chat records and saw his sentence, just endure it for a month.

Now I think of it, maybe the boy knew the result of today at that time, right?

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