The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 488: The precursor to the rise

Compared with the explosion in Xianzhong, it has caused a carnival among netizens.

The special effects of this movie are not stage fright or even better when taken against Hollywood.

Some people compare its special effects with famous special effects blockbusters in Hollywood history, and find that the fairy is not lost at all, and in terms of fineness, it is even better than Hollywood!

This news came out, and there was another uproar.

No wonder there are no stars in this movie, so is the money used for special effects?

However, it is worth doing!

Such a good film deserves a high box office!

You show us the film made with your heart, and we will give you a high box office.

For a time, people in the circle of friends, forums, and Weibo rushed to the surrounding people to Amway this new movie.

As a result, the box office of Xianzhong increased again.

The movie theater couldn't add extra games, the popcorn sold out, and the merchants smiled like a chrysanthemum.

Du Jian can be said to be ashamed of all this.

He was defeated in this battle!

Being directed by a newcomer, his face was swollen.

Such a miracle, even his national director, has never created it.

Open the circle of friends, all those who are relevant and okay are cheering for this film.

There were only a few who had a particularly good relationship with him, and no news was sent.

Someone sent a message of comfort, persuading him to want to start.

It is a good thing for Hua Guo to have a blockbuster director.

Good thing?

Du Jian sneered, it depends on when.

This film is equivalent to stepping on him and standing up!

In normal times, can his emperor have this ability?

Not stepping on Wanxian...

However, if the opponent is not strong enough, how can he step on Wanxian's position?

So in the end it is still a question of my own ability.

Du Jian was sad in his heart, locked himself in the room for a day, pushed all the phone calls and socializing, and didn't even bother to read the news from Wanxian.

He lost, but he refused!

Where did the emperor come from to make such a heinous movie with special effects?


On Saturday, I almost opened the Internet, and it was all news about the life and death records of Xianzhong.

As the heat of the first day passed, several actors also began to experience explosive rumors.

Luo Lanyi is even more dressed up as a goddess in the film. He is known as a rare fairy star in the entertainment circle, and his praise is as high as the popularity of this film.

Of course, there are already unwilling to give up on Luo Lanyi's previous rumors of chasing shadows.

Jun Ci gave her an idea and asked her to collect the information, first issue a statement, and then directly sue all the media that have spread rumors about her.

Sue directly, do not send a lawyer's letter, see you directly in court, and do not BB with you.

Then Junci asked Gulu to directly post the news on Weibo hot search for a whole day, and swiped the screen in an all-round way. Now anyone else can't see it.

Luo Lanyi was framed.

Only need to prove this one!

On the contrary, Fu Zhisheng was much more peaceful.

He is a good person, there is no black material in the circle, his appearance is sleek and handsome, he is very aristocratic, and female fans are impulsive. If you like him, it will be difficult to take off.

For a time, both Fu Zhisheng and Luo Lanyi's worth increased.

Incidentally, the actors who have roles in Xianzhong have more or less caused a wave of enthusiasm.

This film is really full of fire, and the fire makes people in the circle terrible.

It seems to be witnessing that a great thing is rising.

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