The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 505: Live up to today

When Jun Ci left this time, he still ordered a large takeaway for the editorial department.

The reason is that movies are selling big, please ask them.

It made the people in the office cheer again.

Reading on Weibo, the momentum of the Xianzhong Life and Death Record is too hot, and there is almost no news to stop the edge.

Wanxian originally wanted to spend money to withdraw the hot search of the Life and Death Records in Immortals, but they found that it was completely useless.

And Weibo also got the above warning, not allowed to engage in moths in this matter, let him go with the flow.

Weibo was immediately shocked.

How dare to collect money from Wanxian.

I can only sit back and watch the popularity of Xianzhong spread across the entire Weibo, and almost open it, discussing the life and death records of Xianzhong everywhere.

But in this one, Junci's game just smashed a **** road, and successfully hit one of the hot searches.

#超智慧手游 Appeared, a breakthrough in domestic games#

This topic is hot enough.

Clicking in is really a lively discussion about life in the rivers and lakes.

The intelligent operation mode alone is enough to attract people to enter.

There are even some people in special industries who have taken the game as a fuss.

That is, live broadcast.

Live streaming to play rivers and lakes life.

In an instant, the sign that the mobile game "Jianghu Life" was going to be completely popular was revealed.

The mobile phone operators who had been on the PG forum were in a hurry. Everyone started contacting Gollum and wanted to make this game available exclusively on their own platform. This would also bring them unexpected benefits.

Junci left it to Gulu to discuss these matters, and she was not in a hurry for the time being, mainly because she picked a few film reviews about the explosion of life and death in the fairy tale.

From the initial astonishment to the final acceptance, someone finally came forward to seriously analyze the reasons why the Record of Life and Death in Xianzhong was so successful.

However, one of the most popular film reviews has drawn a wave of hatred, and this wave of hatred has almost brought the most obvious problem to the table.

The battle between Hollywood blockbusters and domestic blockbusters.

This film review was sent by a senior industry person, and the content is short and concise.

"On the great victory of the record of life and death in the immortal, is the time and place favorable to the people?" No, it's the rise of domestic production"

This is the title.

The content is: You have to ask me if the Record of Life and Death in Xianzhong is worth seeing, then I will definitely say that it is worth seeing, totally worth it! If you use the standards of a commercial film to evaluate the movie, from the perspective of the plot to the level of production, it is a commercial blockbuster that deserves both reputation and box office reputation. More importantly, he is a pure domestic film.

The box office battle between Chinese domestic blockbusters and Hollywood blockbusters has been around for a long time. However, I have a hunch that the emergence of the Record of Life and Death in the Immortal will be a huge impact on Hollywood. I believe that the audiences who have seen it will know that the special effects of this film, even if it is the most prestigious special effects blockbuster in Hollywood today, cannot deny the true shock of the special effects. The harbinger of this is the beginning of an impact of domestic blockbusters on foreign blockbusters. If there are more directors like the emperor in our country, why worry about not being able to compete with foreign blockbusters at the box office?

There is no doubt that the emperor will be hot. In the future, I hope he will create more surprises!

Live up to his code name for such arrogance and domineering.

Not to lose the reward that Xianzhong brought to him today!

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