The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 512: I covered Junci!

The boy standing at the door didn't move.

In terms of height, he is a little taller than Junci, and he is 1.8 meters tall, which would put pressure on people logically.

But in front of Junci, others always have a feeling that Junci is oppressing him.

This person...

Jun Ci suddenly remembered.

Wasn't it a boy who blocked her at the entrance of the admissions office when she came to report?

What's your name?

For those who don't need to remember, Junci has always been too lazy to consume memory.

"Xiang Ao!"

Gulu reminded Jun Ci and immediately reminded Jun Ci.

"For the senior, is this your attitude as a junior? Can't say a word of invitation?"

Xiang Ao's jaw was tight and he looked at Jun Ci very badly.

The body stood straight, without any intention of retreating.


Jun Ci curled the corners of his lips, and shot out a cold light in his eyes: "If you have a normal brain, you won't block the door of other people's classrooms and affect others' entry and exit."

What she said was not at all polite, Xiang Ao's face suddenly became ugly, and pointed at her and said: "You...!"

He didn't threaten him, but was pulled by a few boys nearby.

Brother, stop, the girls in the classroom are going to kill them with fierce eyes.

Dare to provoke the ultimate male **** of their class!

Xiang Ao felt that he had been smashed, so he shook off a few people and continued to look at Junci arrogantly: "I am your senior and the head of the student council committee. I am impolite and defiant. Believe it or not will deduct your discipline ?"

Discipline points can be regarded as the performance points of Longfu students.

Just like the importance of credits, if you don’t perform well in school, you may be deducted from discipline points, and you may also face re-study punishment.

People in the student union have this right, so ordinary students are basically afraid to fight against the student union.

"Disciplinary points deducted? Which school rule I have violated, do you dare to deduct disciplinary points from me?"

Jun Ci was not threatened at all, the expression on her face was extremely arrogant, and Xiang Ao was about to be overwhelmed by the powerful and compacted expression.

He just clenched his teeth.

A boy next to him immediately grabbed Xiang Ao and reminded him with a frightened face: "Senior, this is covered by Mr. Jiang..."

Even if you don't look at Jun Ci's identity as the school grass, you still have to recognize the fact that she is the person covered by Jiang Yi.

Although Jun Ci didn't want to admit this, when the boy whispered that Jiang Yi was covering her, she still raised her brows slightly.

How fresh, she has become a bastard.

Xiang Ao's heart palpitated.

No one is afraid of Jiang Yi's reputation at school, but if you let him let Jun Ci go now, where does his face go?

He could only look at Junci unwillingly, and then under the appropriate pull of others, reluctantly gave way and let Junci in.

When Jun Ci tilted her head and passed by, a slight breeze blew the fragments in her ears, seeming to bring her sneer.

Stabbed fiercely in Xiang Ao's heart.

And this matter quickly reached Jiang Yi's ears.

"Some people say that I am covering Junci?"

Unexpectedly, when he saw someone reporting the news, the first time Young Master Jiang was overwhelmed with a smile.

This made the classmates who came to give a small report a little bit confused.

Jiang Yi's Qinglang laughter spread throughout the room, and he waved his hand: "Okay, let's go, Junci is indeed covered by me, don't trouble him with your eyes, be careful that you take care of you!"

Speaking of the last sentence, Jiang Yi's voice returned to its usual viciousness.

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