The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 515: Deputy General Manager Manan

Nie Weiyuan didn't say much.

He first visited the company and inspected it.

Because the decoration of the company is not perfect, some places are temporarily unavailable, and the division of the company's various departments is messy, but it is orderly.

Gulu showed Nie Weiyuan the company details early in the morning.

As the deputy general manager, he must know all the current development status of the company.

Judging from Nie Weiyuan's eyes, Man'an's development prospects are definitely great, and they are now mainly engaged in the game.

Jun Ci transferred all the film and Guru studio to Man'an, which for Nie Weiyuan, on the contrary, did not pay much attention to him.

But he knew that his immediate boss, the person in charge of this company, was the emperor.

He was really curious about the person he was going to see today.

Who is it, so capable, designed such a game?

"Deputy general manager, your coffee."

Although the company is not yet perfect and chaotic, Nie Weiyuan sat down as soon as he arrived.

Gulu hired a secretary for him, and now he has begun to formulate a plan and start to manage the company's department operations in batches.

Most importantly, Guru can also help. In fact, even if the company is an empty shell, a single program of Guru can ensure that the company operates perfectly and recruits people. That is just for cover.

Sitting in the office exuding sandalwood, Nie Weiyuan also enlisted.

The company is too small and there are not many people. There are only dozens of people reported today.

Some of the managers seem to be students.

All in school now.

If you look at it from the previous perspective, such a company is just a joke.

But Nie Weiyuan always feels that although this company is chaotic, there is always an inexplicable force that promotes all development here.

For example, the group of people outside, although they have not been carefully arranged, they all clearly know what they should do.

After asking, they all said it was an order issued by the company's senior management.

The problem is that now the company's top executive is also Nie Weiyuan, is it the emperor?

Of course it is grunt.

Jun Ci appeared in the company with a cup of hot drink in the afternoon.

Their company is on one of the first floors of this building. Junci looked at the sight of people coming and going in the lobby on the first floor and sighed a little.

In the future, we still have to expand the company a bit, but it is still too small.

However, Man'an does not need such a large place at present, and there are not enough people to fill an office.

Have to be responsible for so many departments.

She went upstairs, pressed the code, and quickly reached the company floor.

The corridor outside the elevator is printed with "Man'an Entertainment Co., Ltd." in large black letters to ensure that people coming out of the elevator can see it at a glance.

Through the layered glass doors, Junci saw that there was already what a company should have at work.

A dozen people were sitting there, all fiddling around.

Someone happened to push the door out of the deputy general manager's office.

Nie Weiyuan was sitting inside looking at the file.

It was the first day, and the things I did were quite planned.

In fact, now is to let them start to manage the data in the game, including the future Jianghu Life will cooperate with and communicate with which platforms.

Jun Ci's sudden appearance here is very curious, thinking that she is also a new recruit.

It's just that although she was wearing a mask, there were still two sisters who recognized her with dementia.

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