The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 628: Don't like contact

Although she took two steps backwards, her strong aura was no worse than Jun Chengyue.

Fierce and absolutely strong, even locked Jun Chengyue in all directions.

Jun Chengyue's fingers froze in the air, raising her eyebrows unexpectedly at Jun Ci's performance, but then naturally let go.

"Of course, there is no evidence that this kind of conjecture is really too empty."

He smiled slightly: "Let's go, I am abrupt, but when I leave, can you help me call your Uncle Shenglian over?"

He seemed to be sure of something himself, and his tone of voice to Jun Ci was intimate.

Such a tone subconsciously made Junci a little unhappy, she just turned her head and left here neatly.

The moment she closed the door, she could still see the soft smile on Jun Chengyue's mouth.

"His Royal Highness, do you think Jun Chengyue is lying to you or something?"

Since Gulu can only rely on program execution, he still doesn't understand the intrigue between humans at this moment.

"He didn't lie to me about Jun Chengbai, but I don't know if he really died or not. Maybe the intuition of the people on earth is really useful. I think I was poisoned and sent to the Zhang family back then. Nothing to do."

Still sure of this.

People like Jun Chengyue would tell her everything without reason.

If it were really that simple, then Jun's family would not hide things from Jun Chengbai.

But according to what Jun Chengyue said, she went to call Jun Shenglian by the way.

She repented along the road just now, but she did not expect to hit the oncoming Jun Shenglian.

Seeing her, Jun Shenglian probably had recovered his emotions. At this time, he was more composed and smiled like a spring breeze: "Have you finished talking with the sixth brother?"

"After talking, he tells you to go over."

Talking to them, Junci is like a normal junior.

Jun Shenglian smiled undiminished: "Then I will pass now."

When he passed by Jun Ci, Jun Ci suddenly said: "Who is Jun Chengbai?"

Jun Shenglian: "..."

He suddenly turned his head with an ugly expression: "Who told you?"

Jun Ci smiled at the corner of his mouth: "Who else do you think will tell me?"

These words instantly caused Jun Shenglian's pupils to shrink.

Because Jun Shenglian worked for Jun Chengyue, Jun Ci only asked tentatively. Jun Shenglian had such a big reaction.

One can imagine the mystery of this Jun Chengbai.

Moreover, for the entire Jun family, he can still call the name in the same format as Jun Chengyue. This kind of big family has a particular name in their names. It's just a foreign orphan. Why does he have this privilege?

"Don't tell me if you know it, it's not good for you!"

Jun Shenglian dropped these words and left in a hurry.

Jun Ci didn't care either, and disappeared into the air with a chuckle, and left directly.

When she came outside, the driver who had picked her up just now was waiting for her. She got in the car and grumbled about the matter in the car: "Actually, I find it quite annoying. I have to struggle to figure out what happened when I found my biological parents. What's the matter, I don't want to find them anymore."

Gulu sincerely suggested: "His Royal Highness should be taken as an extra copy on Earth, at least now that the information is clear, the breakthrough is on Jun Chengyue. It depends on how your Highness responds."

"How can you deal with it? I don't want to deal with Jun Chengyue."

It's not any other emotions, it's simply that you don't like this person.

For those who don't like it, Junci is definitely not willing to contact.

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