The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 632: Crowd of people

Today, the Xianzhong Life and Death Record is still in theaters. Although the popularity has fallen, it has already created an invincible record of 3.7 billion. According to the box office progress in the last month, it is barely enough to break 4 billion, and it will be more difficult later.

Although the money has not yet come down, and the Eagle still owes hundreds of millions.

But Junci is completely worthwhile.

Novels can create benefits for her. Although the monthly income of several million is still a drop in the bucket, the game company has already begun to make money.

The first filming location of Hongmengjie was in the studio.

This time the stylist, Jun Ci invited Geng Shunkun.

Because of ample time, Geng Shunkun was well prepared this time.

This time there are several big names in the crew. Except for the actor Xi Mu who is a popular idol, the heroine Lou Jiasi is a powerful acting school, and several male and female actors are well-known in the industry.

After Junci became famous, many people came to the audition. The elderly had more chances to perform, and naturally they were familiar faces this time.

On the contrary, Xi Mu is one of the most criticized.

Because it is true that the acting skills do not know how.

Hongmeng World’s story of a spiritual plant in the spiritual world cultivates humanity and struggles on the road to becoming a god, but it is more about the struggles of the major families in the spiritual world. It is a bit like a series of foreign movies, with the cause of one person. , Tells the story of the struggle in the whole world, but only sets a protagonist.

Once the news of "Hongmengjie" was announced, many fans got together and wanted to squeeze into the crew.

It is nothing more than the visiting class, especially the fans of Xi Mu, who are all young girls, so naturally they are very crazy.

When Lou Jiasi and the other actors did not receive the notice of the opening ceremony, they were very surprised because it was very clear. The first day was a temporary break, and then the opening dinner was held that night, followed by filming, and there was no opening ceremony. Label.

Directors who do not hold the opening ceremony are really rare.

Perhaps almost none.

Because the opening ceremony has a special function, praying for gods and worshipping the Buddha is to hope that everything goes well during the filming process and no accidents happen.

The director did not follow the rules at all.

The film and television city is not the film and television city of the imperial capital. The film and television city is located in Dayao City, Northern Province.

It has a long history and is similar to Yangcheng, but mainly because of the large number of film and television crews, which has created the title of Dayaocheng Film and Television City.

At the airport in Dayao City, there are a lot of people running around carrying cameras. People here are used to it.

Because there are many stars that haunt here every day.

Xi Mu, his agent and assistants were the first to arrive.

His appearance immediately caused a wave of screams at the airport.

Many fans came to pick up the plane after receiving the itinerary. Wearing sunglasses and masks, Xi Mu waved to the crowd in a low-key manner. Under the **** of the security, he barely squeezed out of the encirclement and got into the nanny car.

Assistant Xiaoou took the lead: "Is it Lou Jiasi in the class behind us? I watched a lot of her fans at that time."

"Maybe, let's take a look at the location of the hotel first, and rush over." Sister Wang looked at the mobile phone to arrange the schedule, "Oh, it is really a strange director not to hold the opening ceremony."

"I really don't know if the crew will be dumbfounded when they see the director looks more handsome than our Xi Mu, hahahahaha."

Xiao Ou laughed, Xi Mu glanced at Xiao Ou, and Xiao Ou immediately closed his mouth.

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