"That's the emperor?"

"Yes, the one with a mask."

"So young!"

"It's more than young. I heard that the giant Nima is handsome... not to take off the mask for the sake of the actors of the crew, and the fans of the actors who took off the masks betrayed every minute."

"Fucking so handsome?"

Junci came to the scene and began to order things in an orderly manner. The crew of Eagle Media, who had worked with her, were used to some things. They could understand what was going on by looking at Junci. Some newcomers were also led by the elderly. The next thing started to get busy.

The make-up artist and stylist are styling several leading actors. Jun Ci went over to look at it and said directly: "After you finish, look at the effect and take a few promotional posters. The remaining men, two men, three women, two women and three should also prepare poster shooting. , Let me see the effect of makeup first."

Several important supporting actors nearby nodded honestly when they heard it.

Xi Mu was being put on makeup at this time. Jun Ci took a look at him and asked, "I'm going to film the mid-day scene today. Have you memorized the lines?"

Xi Mu was unable to move his chin while being lifted by the makeup artist, but still replied, "Basically, I have memorized it."

"OK, it's not bad to memorize it, you have to control your emotions, then I will teach you."

Although Xi Mu has never acted in a play, he is still quite obedient. At least he must memorize the lines honestly, and integrate the lines to better perform the effect that Junci wants.

If it doesn't work, we will use voice actors to make up later.

The little fresh meat next door happened to be holding a script book at this time, and he was pretending to look at it, raising his eyes from time to time to look at Hongmeng Jie.

Because it's too hot, it's not easy to act well at all, it's his kind.

The name of this fresh meat is Zong Yan. While watching the script, he is still looking here. He and the assistant don't know what to say, but occasionally smiles.

Gulu spread in the same voice, Zong Yan was making fun of Xi Mu.

Said that he would definitely not act.

After hearing this, Jun Ci didn't know in his heart whether it was stupid to say Zongyan.

Xi Mu doesn't know how to act, but he knows that he works hard. Unlike him, he is scolded as a dog for acting on the Internet.

Sure enough, it was praised by fans, it was too airy.

The directors didn't dare to provoke the ancestor, so they could only follow this ancestor.

Jun Ci didn't care about it, waiting for Xi Mu to put on good makeup and let him change his costume.

The rest of the actors are making up the script of the lines, because the scene that Junci will start filming immediately requires multiple people to participate, which is also the first test.

As an acting school, they are not worried, they are worried that Xi Mu will affect their performance.

Bao Wenhao greeted Zong Yan in the past.

Zong Yan belongs to the kind of little fresh meat with a background. Bao Wenhao greeted him, and he was also smiling, quite serious.

Bao Wenhao was very careful instead.

Lou Jiasi glanced at the two of them.

Suddenly, Zong Yan put his arms on a fence surrounded by a prop group, and shouted through the props: "Hey, hey, the emperor, since you are called the emperor, should we call you the emperor better?" He pointed again. With a change of voice, he shouted: "Long live the emperor, long live long live--"

This sentence made the crew over there laugh.

Fans laughed, saying that Zongyan is really humorous.

Hongmengjie's crew can't laugh.

It stands to reason that their crew is a little bigger than the crew next door, and this line of partiality is hard to say.

Jun Ci was reading Xi Mu's scripts. Hearing this, he suddenly turned around and looked at Zong Yan coldly: "Since you know how to call long live, why don't you kneel down?!"

"——Kneel down!"

Sen Leng, with strong oppressive words, attacked Zong Yan.

Zong Yan looked at Jun Ci's eyes and suddenly shuddered. If he hadn't held the fence, he would have actually knelt down under the deterrence of the sudden strong magnetic field.

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