The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 650: Feel it shouldn't

The emergency call for 120 has already been called, and the hotel staff is also in a panic. Zongyan must be responsible for such a big matter.

However, the Junci in front of him is also a major customer of their hotel.

The hotel they opened near the studio must have a reputation, otherwise any crew would dare to come to their hotel for private rooms in the future.

The manager of the hotel was yelled and hurried over after sleeping in the bed.

At this time, the scene was deadlocked, and Jun Ci who came up did not care about the life and death of Zong Yan on the ground, and the beating broke a small hole in the jaw, as if the sky collapsed.

The agent's face was the same as that of his dead parents.

Is there any king law in this world? Is there any king law?

"We have called the police!"

The hotel manager was so frightened that it was impossible for the agent to stop it.

It must be impossible not to report to the police for such a big matter.

Zong Yan was in a coma. The hotel security guard looked at Jiang Yi and the others vigilantly, and would not let Jiang Yi go until 120 came.

The ambulance battle had already alarmed the rest of the hotel, and the paparazzi guarding outside instantly became as if bloodied.

Something happened in the hotel?

This is big news! !

One after another, the room lights of other stars started to light up.

It seems to be awakened.

When 120 came in and carried Zong Yan on the stretcher, Jiang Yi and Jun Ci were watching them coldly.

The agent pointed at Junci angrily: "This matter is endless, emperor, you must give me an account!"

Before Jun Ci spoke, Jiang Yi stunned and went back: "I'll give you an explanation, what are you doing!"

He had a nasty tone, and he was righteous and confident. The agent was furious. Thinking of how fierce he hit someone just now, he didn't dare to provoke him, so he followed the ambulance.

The hotel here is of course detaining people, waiting for the police to come.

However, Jiang Yi didn't know who he had called. Anyway, there was no fart in the hotel, so Jun Ci took Jiang Yi away.

The agent is probably still dreaming of making Jiang Yi punished. Here Jiang Yi has not been brought back to his room by Jun Ci.

Fortunately, the mouth was indeed very small. Jiang Yi flashed fast when Zongyan attacked, and the broken cup was cut across.

Looking at the newly added wound under his chin, although it will not affect the handsome appearance of this man, it will inevitably add some embarrassment.

Jun Ci looked at it, his eyes narrowed, and he touched Jiang Yi's face with one hand: "I will take care of the Zongyan matter, but if you do it like this, the movement is really big."

"No matter how old I am, I can hold it down. I am afraid of being a hairy."

Jiang Yi is confident.

Jun Ci looked at him like this, tilted his head slightly, his eyes filled with evil spirits, and asked lazily: "Didn't you go abroad, why didn't you leave?"

At this moment, he smiled and hugged Jun Ci's waist. He was sitting and she was standing. Jiang Yi looked up at her with his eyes shining like stars: "I have been thinking about it for a long time. It’s you, I can’t bear it, so I’m here."

"You come here for a big battle."

Jun Ci snorted, but thought of Zong Yan's affairs, suddenly feeling cold.

Don't talk about anything else, just because the words of the Zongyan broke Jiang Yi's jaw, it can't be done.

Both self-respecting people automatically ignored the fact that Zongyan had been beaten to death.

Jiang Yi suddenly put his head on Junci’s lower abdomen and said in a low voice, “I’m a little sleepy. I haven’t rested when I got off the plane. I just moved a little bit...”

Jun Ci froze slightly. Because she woke up suddenly at night, she didn't wear any troublesome little clothes with a corset. Although the down jacket was too big, she straightened her back and stood up straight so that Jiang Yi could not feel it. What shouldn't feel...

At the same time, he turned away Jiang Yi's head calmly, and said lightly: "I'll go to the open room again, you rest here..."

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