The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 655: Previous dream

The thing that Lou Jiasi is a comic book hit on the Internet is quite surprising to Jun Ci.

However, every individual has his own hobbies, and Junci doesn't care about that much.

But since then, Lou Jiasi seems to have one more hobby of observing her and Jiang Yi in the crew.

The appearance of her and Jiang Yi were drawn into a cartoon and posted on the small Weibo.

Because there was no information leaked, Junci closed one eye and didn't care.

Instead, Lou Jiasi's trumpet relies on this to attract countless fans.

As the Chinese New Year approached, the crew began to have a New Year atmosphere. Although people in industries such as actors cannot go back to New Year's events, after all, work will start the next day, but Junci still prepared a three-day holiday for the crew.

They don't have holidays, but they want to.

Many people are still surprised by this. After all, the crew is delayed for a day, and every day is a loss of millions.

Is the emperor so rich?

However, the record of life and death in Xianzhong was so hot, it is estimated that Emperor Qian didn't care about it.

Jiang Yi stayed with Jun Ci for many days in the crew. After Zong Yan's accident, the original presidential suite was unoccupied.

Jiang Yi asked someone to clean it and disinfected it, and moved in by himself.

Although the hotel knows the ins and outs, it doesn't dare to neglect this unknown big man.

In an ordinary night, Jun Ci had a dream.

In the dream, she returned to the time when the interstellar scenery was infinite.

Although the old emperor was unwilling to give way, at least she, the crown prince, was alive and well.

Where she appeared, there were cheers everywhere.

The eyes that others look at her are full of admiration and respect.

That was their look when facing the future emperor.

At that time, she was full of spirits, with her chin held high, her eyes filled with disdain for the world.

She is more dull and beautiful than she is now.

Amidst the flowers and applause, the porcelain in the dream seemed to have lost himself.

The surrounding colors have turned into a colorful world, in which she can hardly tell where she is.

"If you are still alive, live well..."

Suddenly, the surrounding scenery changed, the applause and cheers disappeared, and Jun Ci saw a young and beautiful woman holding a little boy's hand.

The little boy has a pair of rare green and blue eyes, which are a symbol of the royal family.

Iman took him by the hand and passed by a bush of small white flowers.

"Mom, I like it."

The little boy pointed at the flower bush and showed joyful eyes.

The woman frowned slightly. Even such movements were so graceful that she squatted down and said seriously: "You are a prince, you shouldn't like such things. It is not good to be seen by the nobles."

Hearing this, the little boy pouted unhappy.

The woman touched his head with a doting smile: "But now there is no one else. Mom can pick it for you."

She said, plucking a flower from the bush and putting it on the little boy.

The boy smiled happily.

There was a "bang", like the sound of a beautiful bubble bursting.

Jun Ci, who was immersed in a beautiful dream, woke up, and a huge emptiness suddenly rose in his heart.

She got up with some trembling fingers, and fireworks were set off indiscriminately outside the window.

The beauty in the dream seems to pass away together with the beautiful colors outside.

Iman is her mother.

What happened in the dream was from childhood.

This is the first time that Junci has come to the earth so long and dreams about the past.

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