The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 659: Lucifer continues to cause trouble

After Jiang Yi got dressed, he went to the bathroom to wash.

When I came in, I was still saying: "Don't you think I am in bad shape? Do you dare to say that I am in bad shape?"

He seems to be particularly attached to this question.

Jun Ci didn't want to ignore him at all.

She quickly washed her teeth. After brushing her teeth, she broke Jiang Yi, who was still washing her face, and gave him a quick kiss on his lips: "I'm going down to filming, you behave."

Jiang Yi:...

Who is it to be better?

She stopped recruiting bees and butterflies in the crew and was safe.

Not long after Jun Ci went down, Jiang Yi received a video call from Ji Moyin.

"Hey Boss Jiang, just woke up!"

Jiang Yi rubbed Maojing's freshly washed hair, and said, "You have a fart."

"It's sad, I think you will send you a video call and be scolded by you!"

Jiang Yi's expression was impatient: "I will hang up immediately after BB."

"Fuck!" Ji Moyin said hurriedly: "I didn't want to send a letter, do you know Troy, the giants in F1?"

Jiang Yi frowned: "F1 has a relationship with me, and the categories are different."

"I know it has nothing to do with you, but the giant Troy team in this region has more than just an F1 team. They also have a sports car team. Isn't the most recent frost in your hand idle? Troy ideally races with you, and then Open a bet in Europe, when several giant teams will come, and our connections, we plan to have a big underground race before the start of the F1 region next year, just ask if you want to let Frost go. "

"let me see."

Jiang Yi hesitated.

"After the Junfan incident happened last time, my dad forcibly cut off the connection between me and the Frost team. I asked them to go abroad to participate in other competitions. If I really want to let them go, it will be troublesome. I don’t know if I can go. ..."

"Go chant, DOL club hasn't celebrated in a big event for a long time, you are still the leader, it is not good to be abandoned, just to gather this time."

"Let me think about it first."

After Jiang Yi said this, he hung up the phone.

If you want to have an event, it must be a trip abroad.

But at present, Jiang Yi and Jun Ci are getting along very happily, Jiang Yi does not want to leave Jun Ci for the time being.

Besides, it was something after the New Year, and he was not in a hurry.


Junci has received the courier again.

But this time, of course, it was not Zong Yan's disgusting thing, but after the last rose, Junci received a special fountain pen that is said to be during World War II.

It can still be used now, it has a very high collection value, and it is very expensive anyway.

Not surprisingly, it was from Lucifer.

In the name of Hades.

If it was said that Junci endured it the first time, she really planned to let this Lucifer suffer a good punishment the second time.

The crew is still a little curious about Junci receiving this pen, but no one is embarrassed to ask more. Junci here took the photo of the last rose, together with the pen and the content on the note, and sent it all Hades.

Hades has always been in France, and he is much better in contact than Lucifer.

Moreover, he and Lucifer have always been the kind of hurting each other. After seeing this news, they will definitely try their best to trace Lucifer's whereabouts.

Sure enough, Hades suddenly received this news from the emperor, and sent a sentence: I know you will not believe that this is your own hand.

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