The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 670: Backer that can't touch the clothes corner

"To be honest, the emperor, the director, appeared too strange. He does not act according to the rules of the entertainment industry. If we invite him, he may offend some people. I think that according to what I said earlier, he was invited with standard specifications. enough."

Although Yin Yuchun speaks directly, it reveals his own considerations.

Although she is a devil, it is in terms of fashion, her style is not strong, she belongs to the kind of moderate.

What she said is also the recent entertainment circles questioning and unhappy with the emperor.

Not everyone is qualified to know who is behind the emperor.

The entertainment industry has standard rules for the entertainment industry. For example, in the Chinese movie sector, there are actually rules.

Some films that can be released every year, including some audit rules, have their own set of unspoken rules.

Whether the theater can be released depends on the division of interests.

But the emperor did not take the usual path.

He does not pull investment, nor does he need investment and producer, but only pulls one Eagle Media as the distributor.

Although Eagle Media is well aware of the water content, because the emperor's film is of high quality, it directly rejected the crowd and applied for the emperor's schedule.

The theaters must be able to make money here, but some people still don't understand how the Emperor's movie was reviewed.

"The Life and Death of Immortals" is so hot now, the emperor only needs to be divided by the theater and the distributor, and the rest is his own, and at the beginning of the show, he tore a wave with the domestic director Du Jian, and the " "Ten Thousand Immortals" can't turn around without saying, and it's very arrogant and unreasonable to do things.

Many people are already dissatisfied with this.

Because the rules of the entertainment industry have been formed for so long, a sudden emergence that does not follow your rules will naturally cause a lot of crowding out.

Although fashion media and Jingshang Weekly have unusual status, they also hold down many contacts. Yin Yuchun is worried that they will offend a group of people by inviting the emperor with the highest standards.

For example, Du Jian was crushed by the emperor.

The director probably received a lot of excitement. Recently, I heard that he hasn't picked up a new film and is resting at home.

The most worrying thing is that the emperor's backstage can never be dug out.

But it would be a joke to think that the emperor has no background.

Being able to shoot a movie so quickly and release it without encountering any waves, there is no need to elaborate.

"I heard that the emperor is behind the princelings?"

Xu Haiyan was stunned.

The emperor was a young student. People in his industry knew it, and the people behind it naturally revealed a little bit of news.

"There are so many princelings in China, how do you know which faction he is covered by!" Yin Yuchun is also a little worried: "This is not easy to do. People in the circle said that they can't get away from the emperor. , But the entire sect can’t explode even a single piece of news. This force is too terrifying."

"Is it the person in the photo that Fresh Meat, Xi Mu's agent, burst last time?" Xu Haiyan had some guesses.

Although Xi Mu's agent is not at the same level as them, these things are spreading in the circle, and they naturally know it.

"I know that photo. Someone inquired about it afterwards, but I couldn't find out who the person in the photo was."

Yin Yuchun is also a senior figure in the circle anyway, but he can't even touch the corners of other people's clothes. Naturally, this person seems a bit scary.

But she hadn't met with the emperor yet, so she didn't seriously investigate this matter.

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