The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 685: human nature

They killed their daughter in such a vicious way, not only were they not punished, but they were able to return to the school to study safely.

I can also spend countless days and nights in peace.

Although the Xiangjia couple caught evidence that their daughter had experienced school violence, such things are legally impossible.

What's more, Xiang Baorui died on the street when he died.

They all knew that the murderer was Zhou Yaya and his classmates, but because of their underage and the perjury between them, not only did they not get any punishment, but they continued to intensify the spread of rumors, saying that Xiang Baorui took the blame. The net girl completely discredited Xiang Baorui's reputation.

Until his father followed Zhou Yaya to Dayu, he finally heard the triumphant announcement that Zhou Yaya and the others had joined together, that they had killed Xiang Baorui with their own hands.

There is indeed no guilt at all, and it is possible to talk about an innocent girl as a joke, as if it were a glorious stroke in their life.

The two couples have gone crazy since then.

They knew that this group of minors were not punished, so they had to punish them by themselves!

Because there are a few people who come to kill one by one for fear of being spotted by the police, they set up a bureau and waited for several years until all these people entered the society because of graduation. At a suitable opportunity, they Gathered together.

They threw out bait, step by step, the death of their daughter inspired the greatest wisdom of the two couples, step by step telling the story of the year, leading the group of people into a closed space, arguing to the point of mental breakdown, the result is mutual killing, death. A bunch.

In the end, the two couples walked into the depths of the sea hand in hand with contented smiles.

At the beginning, they scattered the girl's ashes in the sea, and now their family will be reunited successfully.

After reading the script, Junci couldn't say much about his feelings.

She was proud and noble since she was a child.

Although she could imagine the life in it, it was written by Zhao Wenhuo in this way, adding a kind of darkness that directly affected people.

When seeing Zhou Yaya and others get away with impunity without any punishment, Jun Ci's heart was completely uncontrollable, and an angry mood was born.

It's just that she has excellent control ability, and quickly stabilized the whole emotion.

I closed my eyes and adjusted my mentality.

This story is too depressing.

Talking about darkness, it’s not talking about it. It really does talk about the darkness of people’s hearts, but it has nothing to do with the official. On this scale, the problem of passing the trial is not big.

It's really pleasing to see that the last two couples murdered such a group of scumbags.

But just because the tone of the whole story is depressed and dark, the lack of human nature is described to the point of vividness, and this kind of movie may not be liked by the public.

However, she originally didn't change it because the public liked it.

She was very satisfied with the script.

At least, of all the novels and scripts about campus violence she has read so far, the one that can analyze people's hearts and give people the most intuitive feeling.

After all, Zhao Wenhuo has polished up the script for several years, which is really excellent.

But she can't reply to Zhao Wenhuo so quickly. If she is sure to shoot, she will first arrange a series of follow-up plans and then reply to Zhao Wenhuo.

So she thought about it first.

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