The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 808: Smart doll, first battle

Silori is now the main research and development of multi-faceted virtual technology about movies, in order to provide a more realistic viewing experience for the audience.

American Bailaimen is a company that is very receptive to new things. When 3d technology was released, Bailaimen first fought the first battle.

The first 3d movie under its banner makes a lot of money.

If Junci uses the latest technology researched by the Silori Group to exchange with Bailaimen, I am afraid that it may not have the opportunity to take over the directorship of this film.

"The Seventh Killer Space" is strictly speaking a special effects movie, but with a humanistic core.

If this movie can give Junci a complete victory in the European and American markets, it will be sooner or later that Hollywood will be captured by her in the future.

Baijun Mu thinks Junci's idea is very crazy, even if it goes through the back door, will a company as big as Bailaimen really hand over the shooting rights of such a movie to Junci?

"The Seventh Killer Space" is a big global IP with a lot of fans, and its value is huge. It took nearly 100 million U.S. dollars to win the film and television rights.

It can be said that even the copyright value of the sad painting fan is not comparable.

Such an important work will really be mastered by a Chinese director?

Hollywood is not without Chinese directors, but at least they are all American nationals, even a Chinese national whose nationality has nothing to do with the United States...

This difficulty is beyond Mu Baijun's imagination.

She remembered the promise she had made when the teenager let her out of the mountain, but she didn't expect her ambitions to expand so quickly now, but just after the second movie came out, she planned to invade Hollywood?

"If you are not sure..."

"On the contrary, I think there is still a certainty, Baijun sister, don't worry, if I can take this movie, at least I guarantee that I can still let you play a more important role in it."

Mu Baijun: "..."

Hearing these confident words, Mu Baijun felt a little dumbfounded.

However, Jun Ci has hung up the phone over there.

"Seventh Killer Space" is a news that was released suddenly in Hollywood this year. Jun Ci hadn't noticed the news earlier, and of course the idea was born suddenly.

Leo from the Silori Group sent a gratifying news that the virtual face screen of the latest technology has been studied successfully.

At that time, she suddenly gave birth to this idea, which is equivalent to saying that this is a chance to come.

Use Slori to open your first business.

So I must go abroad, but the selection will be in November, and Junci is not in a hurry for the time being. In October, the movie "He Can't Take the Punishment" will be released, so she still has to look at the market's response.

In the following days, the Silori Group separated two attacks, and the headquarters in Manhattan was officially established successfully.

They opened their first business, selling smart dolls.

Junci did not carry out overwhelming publicity on the Internet in advance. They only cooperated with various department stores in the United States to sell this smart doll in major shopping malls. Leo traveled almost all over the United States in half a month. The largest department store company, 13 of the 17 companies agreed to sell such smart dolls, and the others had doubts about such smart technology, so they did not agree.

In the second half of July, smart dolls officially began to be sold in the United States.

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