The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 810: Cause shock 2

"Madam, of course, we will send you home safely. There are also various rules of smart programs in the ball. Please watch it after you go home."

For such a big guy, after seeing its performance, Jenny actually felt that the money was worth the money, especially the material of the tiger body, it is estimated that the cost is not low.

$5,000 seems appropriate.

When Jenny and David left with the tiger, other onlookers were shocked by the tiger's anthropomorphic air, and they asked whether the dolls behind the clerk were all the same.

The clerk gave detailed answers.

Each animal not only has a different shape, but also has corresponding characteristics.

For example, the tiger is domineering, the lion king, the rabbit is cute and cute, and so on. There are many kinds of animals. They also have their own corresponding tempers when they are anthropomorphic.

Including snakes, there are many kinds, but considering that this species is more criticized, they are a little less, and the shape is absolutely cute, or the shape of iron armor, at least the appearance does not look offensive.

As for mice, cockroaches and other animals that suffer from blinding eyes, they will certainly not be out.

Such things happen in many department stores in the United States.

Because of the high prices, there are only a hundred shopping malls in the country for sale, and I’m not sure how the sales will be. They only sell in a small corner, and some cities don’t even sell one in the morning.

But once there is a successful precedent, the explosion of the smart doll of the Silori Group is doomed.

When the children who bought the item took this item home, the intelligence it showed made a family stunned, and then spread ten or ten, and the department store began to usher in its peak period.

In the first week, the smart dolls purchased by the department store from Silori Group have been sold out.

Because it is not clear in advance whether this item will have a market, many shopping malls have very little stock, and after such a rapid sale, the American people are shocked.

[My God, the rabbit IQ thief bought by my child, my son now wants it to accompany us every day]

[My daughter is now addicted to playing with the crocodile and cannot extricate herself...]

[I found out yesterday that my daughter asked the baby elk to teach her homework. It’s heaven. That elk knows everything about college. Our husband and wife are not as good as a deer...]

[Oh my God, is the smart doll made by Silorie still in stock? Is anyone willing to resell, I can buy it at double the price! 】

[This product from Silori is going against the sky! ! ! 】

Not only in the United States, but with the popularity of dolls, how could it be possible that only tens of thousands of smart dolls in the country satisfy the American people.

After knowing how unreasonable this thing is, they all went crazy buying it, and some people were even willing to buy one for one hundred thousand dollars.

The merchants in the department store went crazy. Snowy orders flew to the Silori Group. The hundreds of thousands of orders made Leo a headache.

After obtaining the consent of Junci, he began to expand the scale and formally built a factory to bring this gadget researched in the underground base to the bright surface for manufacturing.

Otherwise, with so many orders, Silori won't be able to eat.

Moreover, how can an American satisfy Junci, what she wants is that the whole world is crazy about it.

Many businessmen saw business opportunities and wanted to cooperate with Silori to develop this, but Junci agreed.

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