The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 838: Sandwich made by Jiang Yi

The plot of the movie just now was so depressing that even Xia Changqing felt out of breath.

At the end of the movie, it feels like a sigh of relief, but the tears unconsciously want to flow more fiercely.

I don't know what I am sad about.

She saw Jun Ci walking in front. She knew that this film was made by Jun Ci. She had no idea that such a young teenager would actually make such a deep-seated film.

The depth is not entirely true. Junci does not sell anything. The keynote of the whole film is very obvious. It is a story of revenge.

It's just that the process is too sigh.

When he walked out of the movie theater and came to the basement, Xia Changqing couldn't help but said, "The movie is very good, and you made it very well."

The former Junci turned her head and nodded and said, "Thank you for your compliment."

Xia Changqing's red lips raised slightly: "It's not praise, it's the truth."

After she said this, Jiang Yi came to her car while Jiang Yi suddenly became a little suspicious.

The three of them drove separately, and Xia Changqing waved at several people after getting in the car: "I'm leaving now, bye."

"Bye bye sister Changqing."



After she had gone, Ji Moyin and Jiang Yi got in the car separately, and Jun Ci naturally took Jiang Yi's car.

Ji Moyin waved at them and drove away by himself.

Jiang Yi drove to Jun Ci's house.

"I think this movie should be very good at the box office."

Jiang Yi rarely discussed these issues with her after watching the movie. Jun Ci raised his eyebrows a bit: "Oh, you always say this. It seems that my movie is really promising."

"Of course, my porcelain can be popular in any movie."

Jiang Yi said these words with a proud look on his face, and the provoked Jun Ci laughed.

Both of them were very tired when they got home because it was two o'clock in the morning.

The tone of the two-hour movie is depressing, even if the adjustment ability is strong, it will be more or less affected, which Junci itself did not expect.

Of course, this also explains how powerful this movie is.

After taking a shower, the two said goodnight to each other and went to bed to rest.

On the first day of National Day, Jun Ci woke up from bed at half past eight.

There was already a noise outside the door.

She washed herself and opened the door to find that not only Li Ma, but Jiang Yi was awake.


"good Morning."

The two said good morning almost at the same time. Jiang Yi was helping Li’s mother to pour milk. Jiang Yi smiled triumphantly when he saw Junci came out: “I learned a simple Western breakfast from a friend when I was in the military region. Today’s sandwich is for me. You have to taste it."

"Your military district is so great?"

This young master didn't move anything when he was here, and he was able to cook his own breakfast after a trip to the military area.

Ma Li brought out Jiang Yi’s breakfast from the kitchen and said jokingly: “Master, don’t look down on Master Jiang, Master Jiang’s cooking is fine, look at this appearance...”

Just about to exaggerate, I saw Junci took it and moved it and found that the piece underneath the sandwich was slightly browned to the point of black. Ma Li took a look and continued to exclaim without changing her face: "How wonderful! "

Jun Ci looked at Jiang Yi with a smile but a smile. Jiang Yi said with a little shame, "Your microwave oven has too many buttons. I think each one is just like you just press it and you can't blame me."

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