The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 842: The increase is still amazing

["He Cannot Be Punished" broke 100 million on the first day, which is not as good as a summer miracle, but the results are also amazing, but after watching this film, the type is very deep, Shen Sen and Mu Baijun's acting skills are both It is impossible to say, especially Mu Baijun, which can be called a burst of acting skills, but strangely, Mu Baijun has been in the film for several years. To be honest, this film was also filmed by the emperor and has a good reputation. Forget it, it's not enough to attract Mu Baijun to the side, right? How could Mu Baijun promise the emperor to participate in this film? 】

Although the box office is good, "Summer Miracle" is far inferior to "He Can't Stand Punishment" in terms of word of mouth, including the degree of discussion.

Most people on the Internet are discussing this movie that Mu Baijun returned after a few years. They affirmed Mu Baijun’s acting skills, but they didn’t understand why Mu Baijun suddenly chose to release a new movie at this time. Director cooperation.

Could it be that the emperor has a background like what others have said?

Just relying on the topic of Mu Baijun, the box office of "He Can't Take the Punishment" remained high.

What makes people stunned is that during the National Day file, although the box office of "Summer Miracle" was very hot, "He Can't Stand the Punishment" was extremely tight. Once the box office rose, the movie of the emperor would follow it. The top two box offices are far behind the next few movies a few blocks away.

Including that foreign disaster film, it began to show signs of decline on the third day of National Day. After the box office broke 200 million, the pre-sale box office dropped sharply.

The first summer miracle broke 450 million and punished 350 million.

Discussions on Weibo have also become more heated.

-The film of the emperor is very good. Although the type is suppressed, it is really a rare anti-routine film

-Parents' choice of revenge instead of forgiveness is really pleasing to the people, and it is much more reliable than the last ghosts in TM ghost movies that are mentally ill!

-Hua country lacks such a film, and the emperor can shoot it even if he wins

-Mu Baijun’s acting skills are really shocking. After watching this film, he recommended it to neighbors around him. Anyway, everyone who saw it said it was good

-"Summer Miracle" pays too much attention to the point of laughter, but ignores the comedy itself. There are many unreasonable points in the film, but because the hilarious laughter is ignored, such a film is destined to be forgotten over time and cannot be left. I’m too impressed, but this time the box office won’t be low, but I think "He Can’t Take the Punishment" may come from behind. At the moment the box office is biting so tightly, I really don’t know whether to say Mu Baijun or Shen Sen. Or the emperor’s influence is terrifying

-I really like the name of the Emperor’s movie. I think it fits the core of the story. It is more in-depth and unconventional than similar titles like The Battle of Revenge or Revenge

Of course, there are more than praises on the Internet. Indeed, as Junci saw, the strange remarks made by some intoxicating netizens in the Three Views are also very harsh, and Junci does not bother to read these mentally retarded remarks.

In general, the reputation of "He Can't Take the Punishment" is very good.

With the end of the National Day file, the box office of "Summer Miracle" began to weaken and plummeted, and the same was true for "He Can't Take the Punishment". When the drop was far less amazing than that of "Summer Miracle", it even started in the stunned people behind Overtake "Summer Miracle".

Until half a month later, a box office broke the 1 billion mark and approached 2 billion, and Junci's box office also reached 900 million.

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