The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 846: Angry Song Wanfei

Professor Hua Jingyun choked.

He is highly respected in the Department of Physics in China, and is the core figure of the entire research department. He enjoys a high reputation and status in the senior scientific research team in China.

When the student Jun Ci appeared, he liked it very much.

He felt that if Junci concentrated on studying physics, then there might be a top talent in China in the future.

However, to make a movie...

This is incredible.

From the initial shock to the acceptance now, I can take a semester of leave. When the student in front of me said lightly that he would keep his studies, Hua Jingyun sighed deeply.

With such talents, why can't they concentrate on contributing to the country?

Because this vacation was different, Junci made many guarantees, and Longfu University agreed to her take this semester vacation.

Of course, there was a back door.

If it hadn't been for Shu Jie to say hello to the management figures of Longfu University, I'm afraid it would not be easy for Junci to ask for leave.

After the leave was confirmed, Junci packed up what she had left in school and was about to leave.

I didn't expect to encounter an unexpected character.

Song Wanfei.

The last time I saw this girl was in the Jiang family mansion, her rampage instinct made people feel a little unhappy.

So Jun Ci, who came out of the locker room this time, saw Song Wanfei guarding the door, waiting for her obviously, making her slightly frowned.

Song Wanfei dressed very exquisitely today. Even in the Longfu University with a lot of Miss Boudoir, she still has some looks that can stand out, but her temperament is poor in Xia Changqing Shishijie Street.

"Jun porcelain!"

She uttered her name as Jun Ci, with some imperative arrogance, and looked at Jun Ci with her arms in a condescending manner: "It's not easy to find you. I heard that you are often not in school."

This tone made Jun Ci feel offensive.

She seldom saw someone who talked to people like this, her eyes condensed instantly, and she ignored her, with a kind of indifference, but in Song Wanfei's eyes, she passed by her with contempt, preparing to leave.

"Can't you hear me talking to you?"

Song Wanfei is accustomed to her family. In addition, she found that Junci’s family background is very ordinary. A small citizen from a rural area made a fortune by making movies. It can’t compare to their family wealth, Song Wanfei Instinctively looked down on this boy.

In fact, she looked down on it because she had an instinctive hostility when she saw Junci.

This is because Song Wanfei had never seen the intimacy between the boy and Jiang Yi when Xia Changqing was with Jiang Yi.

The girl's intuition may be accurate, but Song Wanfei at this moment has not dared to guess what other relationship Jun Ci has with Jiang Yi, she just doesn't like everyone who can be close to Jiang Yi.

Because I can't get it.

Seeing Junci so indifferent to herself, Song Wanfei felt as if she had been insulted, and she reached out to catch Junci in anger.

Jun Ci felt the small air flow passing by, lifted his hand, and his slender body flashed aside, avoiding Song Wanfei's scratching.

When the juvenile's figure was slanted, the broken hair on his forehead swayed naturally, bringing out an indescribable sense of chic and smoothness, making people feel extremely handsome.

Song Wanfei really deserved to be all about Jiang Yi, only to be confused by her state for a moment, and then became even more angry.

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