What she thought was pretty beautiful, but the impulsive parents of the Song family knew that their daughter had been wronged, so they only investigated the identity of Junci. After knowing that she now has a company, they made use of their position to pay for Junci’s company. Hands up.

So as soon as Junci got on an American plane, Gulu said that the company had been investigated.

There was a bit of gloat in its tone: "Guru intended to teach Song Wanfei a lesson, but found that her parents were impulsive, so Guru stopped. Her parents contacted the Bureau of Industry and Commerce and the Taxation Bureau to investigate Manan’s financial situation and other operations. Circumstances, Guru can ensure that Manan will not violate the regulations, but after such a toss, our company cannot operate within a few days."

The business is only superficial, as long as the game is not affected.

But the work done by people in the company will be affected. Although Guru collects data to ensure normal operation, these employees do not know.

Once work is affected, everyone knows that some programs for making games must not be stopped. If such a sudden event comes down, the company may go wrong.

When the investigation order came, Nie Weiyuan was confused.

Although he still maintained his composure, he quickly called Jun Ci.

Thanks to a grunt from Junci, she still received news from Nie Weiyuan even after turning off the phone.

"It's okay, don't panic, let them check, check how you like, I have other people watching over the game."

The young man's voice appeared faint on the phone, as always lazy, he was not panicked, but it meant to control the overall situation.

Nie Weiyuan felt relieved when he heard the voice of the young man, "It's just that the investigation order suddenly appears?"

The so-called investigation order, or your company really violated the law, then came to investigate the illegal information, there is no violation, the people of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau make a cause, you can only accept it, let them investigate for several days, and put it in the company. Look at the data in detail.

The company has not violated the law, so in the second case, it must have been troublesome.

"It's okay, just calm down."

Let Nie Weiyuan calm down, after Jun Ci hung up the phone, the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

A wicked light appeared in her eyes, which made the stewardess who came to see her blush and heartbeat.

"Since it is troublesome for me, then I must pay the price..."

The lazy voice had already announced something, and she even knew that she didn't need to do it herself, there would definitely be someone more anxious than her.

When people from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau came to the company to investigate all the information, Nie Weiyuan followed, and they would answer whatever they asked.

Lucifer and Yao kitten staying in the company are inexplicable.

Everyone didn't even know what Man'an had committed, which would cause people from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to come and ask for trouble.

And looking at their posture of turning over the information, they looked at it carefully page by page, as if they would never give up unless they turned over a problem.

Even the little cat Yao who doesn't understand this situation can see a little bit tricky.

Lucifer leaned next to her and asked, "Where did our boss go when this happened?"

His sudden approach made Yao Kitty roll his eyes, "I don't know Mr. Lancelot, there is something for the BOSS."


Lucifer took a meaningful look at Kitty Yao. He wanted to tease her, but Nie Weiyuan came out of the office and beckoned to Lucifer.

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