The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 852: Why do you need to apologize

Jun Ci took Leo back to the hotel room to talk.

Leo nodded and took out the iPad he brought with him and began to look at the work plan: "Everything is arranged according to your instructions, but the question is, BOSS, are you really ready to use our technology to exchange benefits with Bailaimen? "

"If I want to take the position of director, this exchange is necessary."

Leo knows that Junci is a director's business, and Sloli Leo knows that Junci has nothing to hide from him: "If there is no exchange, my hope of getting the filming rights of this movie is basically zero, let alone After the cooperation is reached, Silori’s real products can be launched on the market."

"Actually, when I knew that you were still a director, I was really surprised."

Leo laughed: "I never thought you were still a Chinese."

"It's good to know now, who is the manager of Bai Lai Men?"

"Oh, yes, it is this, Boris David, the production manager of Bailaimen Pictures, he is not only the person in charge of Bailaimen Pictures, but more importantly, he is also responsible for the technical management of Bailaimen Headquarters Group. piece."

Bai Lai Men can be regarded as a large group, and it is not only famous for its films, but even the film industry can already be taken out as a large company.

Bai Lai Men is most famous for its advanced 3D technology. The manager Leo found did help Junci a great deal and directly found the most important person in charge.

However, if it is important, the other party must be busy, "I use the name of technical exchange, so BOSS..."

Leo handed Boris' business card to Junci, and Junci understood it at a glance: "I will be very direct."

She would not go around with these people.

She went with her skills and asked Bai Laimen to exchange directorship rights in addition to cooperation rights.

The reason why Junci is so confident is that the technology studied by Silorie is ahead of the current United States.

And it has a huge appeal to Bai Lai Men, because she originally intended to use this technology to cooperate with the IMAX Group.

"The appointment time is 10:10 in the morning the day after tomorrow. Boris is a very time-conscious person."

Leo told Junci all the information. Junci is the partner who needs to meet, so he naturally knows that he must be punctual.

"Have the giant screens and glasses that were successfully researched been shipped?"

"Already on the way, it will be there tomorrow."

Because the base is in the Middle East, it will take a while for the items to be delivered. Because these items are too precious, Junci has hired full security forces, and Gulu is monitoring it.

If you want to cooperate successfully, you must let Boris see things.

After Leo finished his report, Junci asked him to go back first, and he started to suffer jet lag in the hotel.

When she woke up, she was woken up by a phone call.

Because Gulu said that the call was from Xia Changqing.

The night in New York is already early in the morning, and it must be daytime in Huaguo. Jun Ci was awakened at this time, her throat was very compressed, and her head ached: "What's the matter?"

Hearing the young boy’s husky sleep, Xia Changqing's heart was inexplicably numb here, she quickly condensed her thoughts, glanced at Song Wanfei, who was holding her head in front of him, and then smiled softly: "Did it disturb you Is it Junci? There is something, I want to apologize to you."

Her words didn't make Jun Ci feel anything strange, but she turned over and didn't bother to open her eyes, "Why do you need to apologize?"

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